Sunday, August 22, 2010

if sandwiches were made of tranquility, what would the bologna be?


Yukezsida said...

if sandwiches were made of tranguility,the bologna would to complete with the happiness taste.

(sorry my english not good)

Alessandra said...

Bologna would be the only part of the sandwich that could give you an upset stomach, ruining your tranquility...(I don't like bologna, what kind of meat is that anyway. I've been to Bologna, Italy and they don't have anything that even remotely resembles Bologna)

Design Your Cards said...

bologna is your memory of childhood.

anne artist said...


Lazarus Lupin said...

To meet the meat of tranquility is to meat yourself. The middle is you, like if you stand in a circle. Everything else just adds to the dish.

Lazarus Lupin
Art and Review

Belle said...

The bologna would be chocolate.

FaysaL said...

Bologna wiil be left in plate after eating that sandwich

anne artist said...

so, if you leave the bologna on the plate, then are you left with bread? what is it that makes a sandwich a "sandwich".

(by the way, i don't eat bologna either but neither do i eat sandwiches very often.)

anne artist said...

although a chocolate sandwich might be a reason to start eating sandwiches again...

anne artist said...

and lazarus lupin, if the meat is what gives the tranquility, then the sandwich itself would not be made of tranquility, only the context for it?

since we are returning to the center of the circle, i am wondering if we know when we are standing in the center or if we are thinking of other circles instead.....

Leo said...

The eternal question of existentialism. If a tree fell in the forest and no one was there ...

Besides, I like to fry my bologna and put it on warn toast spread with peanut butter and a cool glass of

.....Would anyone hear it.

anne artist said...

but if a butterfly flew quickly away from the falling tree, would the air currents aroused by its wing be felt across the globe?

and so your tranquility sandwich is bologna made outside the box.......with peanut butter.....and if you had not told me this......would the falling tree in the forest mention it?

thanks for reappearing with a comment!

Sharr said...

Interesting thought... I think it would be Peace...

RW said...

um... tranquility?

anne artist said...

there are those who say that everything contains its opposite. so would a sandwich made of tranquility only contain that? would there be variations within it?

Emily S said...

Haha RW, agreed. If sandwiches were made of tranquility, I believe the bologna would not be included in the sandwich since bologna is not made of tranquility, but of processed meats.

I have won. Admit it.

anne artist said...

this is not a blog about winning or losing. it is about giving oneself the freedom to color outside the lines, if one wishes.

as far as i know, there is not one answer to the questions asked. but hopefully, more questions will arise.

let's see, i'll ask it another way.......if sandwiches were made of tranquility, and if what was before me was indeed a sandwich, then in what way would the bologna in the sandwich be contributing?

whew....what a sentence....that became a question!

i think it's time to take a lunch break. maybe i'll go out and buy a loaf of bread.......

Halosh said...

loved the blog <3
plz visit mine

Alessandra said...

the Bologna would not contribute anything to the sandwich, if you don't put it in. You question didn't say the sandwich was made of Bologna, so I'm assuming mine would not be made with Bologna, since I don't like it.

And if it's tranquility you're searching, why search it in a sandwich? All a sandwich can do is satisfy your hunger....

anne artist said...

of course, not all sandwiches are bologna. however, this question was about one that was. at least, metaphorically.

and it is possible that the question was using bologna in the slang version. or not.

what might a sandwich represent? what is tranquility?

lazarus lupin used bologna as a way to speak about the "meat of tranquility". that might take us somewhere interesting.....

perhaps it helps to know that none of the questions are meant to be taken literally. although that is always a possibility if one so chooses.

S said...

The bologna is the stuff that although not good for us gives us the reason/excuse to indulge in the pleasure of eating the fresh, thick, white bread. The kind of white bread that sticks to the roof of your mouth...what a treat! Just like all of life's distractions that we quickly consume, process and dispose of to find our moment of peace, tranquility and hopefully a little self-indulgence. We all need moments of tranquility!

Sally Ang said...

I don't know what is bologna ?? Anyway i like egg and ham sandwiches ....guess if sandwiches is made of tranquility....meaning that the "tranquility" of ours depend on what that is inside ....guess i like eggs sandwiches ....but i dun want eggs only...i want it to come with lettuce, tomatos, photatos the bologna inside will be that "mixed emotions"....that in the end presented that tranquility .....then again does tranquility means everything need to be still and calm ?? or tranquility....can be attained within that mixed feelings inside ??

Vicky Pen. said...

Your blog is an incredible wealthy breathe (translated in French it doesn't sound so funny, promised).
I bet bologna would be a tomating silence. Or a pillow

anne artist said...

sadie, i am enjoying your comment. the images you describe are so clear!

and how it is we "consume" distractions in order to find tranquility.....or what we think tranquility might be.


anne artist said...

sally ang, i love your question, does everything need to be calm and still for us to experience tranquility?

if there were tranquility without the mixed emotions, would it be sort of like....just one piece of bread and not a sandwich at all?

anne artist said...

and vicky have created a new term....a "tomating silence."

i am sitting at my desk and applauding!

Lazarus Lupin said...

Tranquility is a state of mind and can be had even in the midst of furious action. There can be happy tranquilities and sad ones. I believe that part of what makes tranquility what it is, is the acceptance of it. That's why I said that the "meat" of the sandwich is ourselves first. No doubt I'm wrong, but that's how it goes. When looking for direction best not to ask the man scratching his butt. You don't want to go there.

Lazarus Lupin
art and review

P.S. Today's secret code: "Daisy it's full of Stars, my bi-cycle oh how it grows." Again: "Daisy it's full of Stars, my bi-cycle oh how it grows." Today's colour is stellerific. Today's author is meating tranquility. That is all, this is now, maho maho.

anne artist said...

how lovely to have a secret code to tranquility......

and that tranquility does not have to be unidimensional. but can flower in acceptance.....kinda like a daisy full of stars....

Unknown said...

Hi Anne. Clever blog! I randomly stumbled upon it, but glad I did. What fun posts and art.

So nice to meet you.
Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground

anne artist said...

thanks. and i, too, am glad that we crossed paths.

glamour. monster. said...

Very interesting blog!

Even though are blogs are very different, check out ours at!


Cjay said...

a kiss

anne artist said...

ah, very nice....

SarahZ said...

If sandwiches were made of tranquility, what would the bologna be?
The foundation of the tranquility. There is absolutely nothing "going on" in grain, no swirl...nothing unexpected. "Unvarying in aspect".

SarahZ said...

Furthermore, as the foundation, bologna becomes "every meat", with which no condiment nor dressing will clash. On the bologna foundation, mayo is as "at home" as well as chipotle sauce, or horseradish, or...peanut butter. Onions as welcome as lettuce, tomato, sprouts, spinach. Ahhhh, tranquility!

anne artist said...

i am seeing the bologna sandwich in a whole new light! yum!

if bologna is a foundation that allows for the other ingredients to express themselves alone or collectively...

is tranquility that which is built on a foundation but more than any of the parts?

E. Studnicka said...

Balogna would either be the contentment that leads to tranquility or the ground up carcasses of evil spirits that will ruin all hope of your ever achieving tranquility- depending on your viewpoint... and where you were buying your meat.

anne artist said...

i guess it's all about the viewpoint....and maybe the grocery store as well!

Roberta said...

bologna would be the act of indulging oneself with something that we know is not good for us but we like it anyway with it's sweet memories of childhood, so we allow ourselves that simple pleasure, that tranquility.

anne artist said...

ahh...the tranquility of being in memories of childhood when bologna was neither good nor bad but simply tasted good. and feeling loved by the person who made the sandwich......

Agus said...

if sandwich were my only choice, would you make me one?

nice picture, lovely!!

anne artist said...

would you like me to cut it in half?

Unknown said...

This is my
It doesn't even need an answer...