Sunday, May 1, 2011

if i were a shoe, would i rather be a footprint?


Le FoaFoa said...

...of course, I like the feel of the warm sands of Waikiki beach between my toes. Plus the shoe has dead cells, I like being alive and growing. Footprint all the way live!

anne artist said...

and if the waves came onto the beach and washed away the footprint, what would the shoe think then?

Raji said...

No, that is why you leave it behind...and you can make as many as you like.

anne artist said...

so r, when i tie my shoelaces, i am actually tying myself to my shoe.......

and although i might lose a footprint, my foot is ready to create a new one any time.......

kinda makes me want to jump up and down with joy!

Sally Ang said...

Haha...Anne, careful when you jump up and down ...your shoes may drop...remember to tie shoeslaces properly :) your question i would rather be a good shoe that leave "hard" imprint footprints wherever i go ....btw will the shoes be able to leave footprints on rocks ??

anne artist said...

If I jump up and down, I might only leave toe prints.

If I walked on a rock, I might be trying to keep my balance and all that might be seen would be marks scraped onto the petroglyphs drawn on the walls of a cave. Drawn by people both ancient and timeless.

Le FoaFoa said...

...anne,, marks scraped on rocks, you must be one bony girl. What's stronger, hour toe bones or the rock? Careful what you wish for.

anne artist said...

If I wish that my toe bones were stronger than a rock, then i might suddenly find myself falling through the center of the earth and out where not even I could follow my own footprints.

Or, I might wish I were a raindrop that looked like a person parachuting like a leaf down to the ground in time for supper and double helpings of everything. Because as we all know, a well fed foot is a thing of beauty.

Bleeding Healer said...

for the footprint to exist the shoe has to exist, so would I still rather be a footprint, knowing it somehow being the same- a shoe?

anne artist said...

yet, the shoe can exist without the footprint. but if it does, how is the shoe impacted?

is the footprint the mark representing the life of the shoe?