Wednesday, May 25, 2011

if paradox is about the intelligence found within absurdity, is it absurd to say i know anything?


Sally Ang said...

Is it absurd to think that intelligence is found within absurdity ....a cup is empty until when is filled if you think you know anything you think you are absurd in saying that ??

anne artist said...

i was intrigued by the definition of paradox on here is it:

"a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth."

i wonder if anything is 100% one way or another. if a cup contains one drop of liquid, is it partially empty or partially full?

what i think i know today is often something that tomorrow results in my understanding that i had not fully understood.........not that i ever can. i wonder if i think i know anything, will i stop exploring that topic and if so, is that absurd?

Raji said...

not at all! its your intelligence that makes you suppose it's a paradox in the first place

anne artist said...

so intelligence can lead me to see intelligence where i might otherwise not notice it..........

Sally Ang said...

But what is intelligence ??...Don't you think that intelligence is part of genes and education...or perhaps personality and experience ....or perhaps intelligence is just listening and understanding ...or is it seeing and doing ....perhaps is feeling and creating ...what is intelligence about ??