Wednesday, October 27, 2010

when i eat a meal, am i feeding the hunger?


RW said...

Which one?

anne artist said...

well, you have a point many hungers so few multicourse meals......

E. Studnicka said...

After you eat a meal, haven't you created a hunger? Perhaps a hunger for hunger?

anne artist said...

a hunger for hunger. i wonder if that is innate or something we learn...

Sally Ang said...

If i am in hunger and dun feed myself ....what will be the consequences ??

Raji said...

If the food is all junk and no nutrition, you will still be hungry

Sally Ang said...

Raji, very true ....but if is junk and it fills the junk useful??

anne artist said...

yes...what to do when hungry....what is a meal; what is junk?

am i feeding different things at different meals?

Sally Ang said...

Proper feeding with the proper food at the proper time in the proper amount will naturally promotes growth....then does hunger leads to growth ?? If there is a desire aren't we driven to do something ....this can be natural,then it can be too, controlled there is wild and civilised ....perhaps ....

anne artist said...

s.a, i like the direction your comment takes.....hunger leading to growth, which can be wild or civilized or.........?

zzyshhh said...

In this case u will be feeding the satisfaction and killing the desire!

anne artist said...

z.......such a wonderful comment! where would we be without desire?

does the desire for the meal feed the hunger in a a way nothing else does?

Raji said...

exactly! by junk I mean things that don't kill the desire but make us crave for more.... a meal is something which satisfies

anne artist said...

r, there is an interesting distinction..crave vs. desire. and a meal that nourishes satisfies in a way that feeding a craving cannot? can a craving be satisfied or will it always remain hunger?

Raji said...

a craving can be satisfied too, i guess...

anne artist said...

what generates a craving? vs. desire?