Thursday, May 22, 2008

what do i see when i look with my eyes closed?


Sara said...


It can't be darkness, can it? That unknown world we wish we could get, see, touch, smell, feel...brake down.
Could it be another world?
I would like it to be the form of silence, it's not the same of darkness what we see with our eyes closed, it takes its own "something"

Someone tells me "but you can't see with your eyes closed". I wanted to answer that one can also see without eyes, but I wonder what would you answer to that someone...?

anne artist said...

is it not quite limiting to think we cannot see without our eyes? blind people "see".....don't they? although maybe not in the ways sighted people do.

if you inhale an aroma, do you see the pot cooking on the stove before you enter the kitchen?

is not darkness something we see? like a dark night?

i like your image that with my eyes closed, i see the "form of silence"......that "fits" so to speak........

Sara said...

I'll make him know.

I think darkness is awsome.

anne artist said...

so many colors in darkness.

like in the art contains all the colors.....

Sara said...

Art always changes my thoughts.

I'm used to understand darkness as the absence of light in which are all colors.

anne artist said...

that is probably a better way of putting it.