Wednesday, May 21, 2008

war? killing for peace?


Sara said...

Bang! You just......damn how to say it...may I ask you for your msn, AIM, skype?? Or whatever I could come true my hope of talking to you online.

anne artist said...

i kind of like being someone we create create collaboratively. and the same with you.

and if we begin to talk online, the day to day will filter in. i wonder if we would lose this type of oasis where we meet now?

would the dialog become diluted?

what do you think?

Sara said...

I think I'm eager to know how would it be, so I would say we should see what happens to don't keep the doubt, which I've had since a pretty long time.....something I wouldn't propose because of the possibility of getting "desappointed" (in a way) to be, unfortunately, hoping something.

anne artist said...

at this point, skype refuses to work on this computer. i was thinking what about facebook? there can be private messaging on that.....

or regular email, i guess.

Sara said...

Have you ever heard about the saying "The fantasy, isolated of reason, make only impossible monsters. United to it, in the other hand, is the mother of art and its wishes" -Francisco de Goya-
It remembered me of you.

I've wondered, since the beginning...why is that draw here and in your profile? When I saw it for first one of the things I thought was that you were defined in it, but for some reason I got rid of that thought.

Better late than never...could you be more specific with "and the same with you", "the day to day will filter in" and "where we meet now". Shame on me, almost everything, I just thought I got all of that, but then when I re-read it I realized I did not.

I must choose the regular e-mail, Facebook and I have mmm...I just deactivated it.

anne artist said...

i love that statement and have not heard it before. thank you for it.

what i meant was that when i talk with you, i tend to be freed up from the day to day. i can say off the wall things and you send back an incredible thought. we do that back and forth.

it is easy because the conversation is not interrupted by the day to day. and that can filter in, become a part of the conversation and could become a significant part of the conversation.

i also mean that i collaborate with you on creating the image i have of you.

there is something really amazing about these conversation.s..they float above the day to day.....i am not sure what would happen to them.

i don't like facebook, either.

Sara said...

I would hate to miss these...

What do you think we should do?
Would you like to see what happens or is it even?

anne artist said...

i enjoy our conversations. i could go in either direction. each way has its advantages and disadvantages.

if you want, you could send me your email address. i won't print the comment. and then i could send you a message.

Sara said...

And now I remember...

What do you think about this?
I mean the comparison of these old thoughts and words faced with what have happened to our talks...

anne artist said...

i would still agree with what is said.

and you?