Wednesday, June 15, 2011

if time were a cupcake, what would the frosting be?


Yina said...

the people we spend it with :)

anne artist said...


Sally Ang said...

Yina...i like yours :) Anne said indeed sweet ...Anne, what will be yours ??...for me ...i dun have any idea yet ...

Raji said...

the frosting would perhaps be the moments that are frozen in our memory

anne artist said...

r, interesting thought about the frosting being the memories since the icing is that which we see when we look at the cupcake. the rest is usually wrapped in paper.

s.a., when this question came to me, no possible answer came along for the ride. it still has not.

here are some thoughts........

a cupcake does not need icing in order to be a cupcake. icing is simply a decoration. oddly enough, the icing covers up the cake itself.

yet, without the icing.........well the cake would be just........a baked item.

so what is separate, decorative and covers up that which is essential?

how does that relate to time?

i suppose when it's time, an answer or answers will surface.