Sunday, June 12, 2011

if i see the world in all its colors, what then will be black and white?


Sally Ang said...

Black is the future ....and guess white should be purity ....there is alot of colours in the world you then get distracted by the colours and could not see the black and white in it ??

anne artist said... look within the colors for black and white.......

if i saw the black and white within the a color, would the color itself change?

stephanie clara said...

No, the colour wouldn't change, maybe your perception of it would.
If you see the good and the bad in a person, does the person itself change or just what you think of him?


anne artist said...

s, if i see you seeing me...........seeing either good or bad in me.......rather than my many colors..........will i change because of it? will i see you differently?

how will i see seeing when seen?

stephanie clara said...

Only if what you see others see when seeing you is new to you, then will it change you or how you see the others.
How it will change you though, depends on you and not on the one who sees you.

anne artist said...

if others see me in a moment in time without the context of the rest of my life, is that seeing a snapshot of me?

if seeing is based on a moment, what is seen?

Raji said...

if you mix all the colours you will get black, and if you remove them you will have a white sheet.That is, if you want things in black and white

anne artist said...

maybe i will draw with charcoal and get it all over my hands. and then, i will be the drawing..........and the canvas.