Sunday, April 3, 2011

if the world came to an end, would i still be at the beginning?


Meysha Lestari said...

the questions will be..
what r u??
Hw old r u???

anne artist said...

and what is a question, perhaps...........

Sally Ang said...

A question is a quest for knowledge ...perhaps if the world came to an end ....whether you are having life, the breath etc is the deciding factor ...then again ...perhaps being at the beginning wasn't an important feat at all....but the question is ...whether had you live before, the world came to an end ??

anne artist said...

had i lived before, how would i define the "world"?

Sally Ang said...

The world is the smallest place in the planet, and the greatest place in your heart and mind :)....guess we see worlds differently at different seasons of our lives, at different parts of the planet, and at different angles of your positioning in status :)

anne artist said...

wow..........i love this! thanks, s.a.

Raji said...

the circular strokes of your picture may be indicate that the end is the beginning of a new cycle.

anne artist said...

r, you have a good eye! i did not even notice!

do i carry a bit of the end with me as i circle into a new cycle?

Raji said...

hmmm! would you like that? carry what has ended? Difficult to say!

anne artist said...

is it possible not to take an ending with us as we begin anew?

Raji said...

I see a lot of people leaving things behind, purposely, sometimes heartlessly, so i just wanted to know what you would do?

anne artist said...

if i did not take an ending with me, how would i know i was at a beginning?