Wednesday, April 13, 2011

if i ask you why you didn't ring the doorbell, would you ask me why my hair was green?


Sara said...

I would rather say that my intension was to sorprise you by not ringing the doorbell but, clearly, you'll be the one sorprising me with your green hair.

anne artist said...

sara, very funny.........thank you for the opportunity to laugh..........

Sally Ang said...

I did not ring the doorbell...maybe is because i did not want to come in....and,yes i will ask you why is your hair green...does it represents the leaves on the trees ??

Raji said...

Is your hair green? hehehe

anne artist said...

no, anne artist's hair is not green, although the idea of it looking like the leaves on a tree is a charming one.

once, not long ago, i had blue hair.........a few strands here and there. so i guess my hair was like the sky on a partly cloudy day.

anne artist said...

s.a., if you were outside my house, why would you not want to come in?

but yet, you would be curious about my hair.......

Sally Ang said...

Because i couldn't know whether you will allow me to come in...just like seasons make the leaves drop from the tree ....i was curious of your hair as like the leaves on the tree ....was it the season...that you will invite me into your house :)

anne artist said...

i do like this. there are seasons that have nothing to do with the calendar. and if my hair were green, then maybe i would be in a season of newness and eager to make contact.

s.a., now i am wondering if there are seasons to each day...........

Sally Ang said...

Ya...haha....there are seconds to each day...just like there are seasons to each year ....there are moments we fear much, we rejoice much , we are in let's us make sure that in these moments we make good use of it to produce a good harvest to the society, to our nation or to ourselves :)

anne artist said...

cycles of nature. cycles are our nature throughout the day....

each moment distinct yet part of a cycle that takes us into yet a different cycle. if we insist on sameness will the harvest fail?

Sally Ang said...

Maybe in the "sameness"...there are twists and turns ...little changes that make it interesting ...maybe sameness may equate with boring ...but i always thought that in the sameness brings about security thus ...progress becos of stability :)

anne artist said...

so, within sameness there are "twists and turns" and so there is change within it. we might look at the overall picture and notice the sameness and disregard that which changes.

so what is continuity? is it the familiar that remains noticeable despite the change? or is it the constancy of change giving us new eyes with which to see?

Sally Ang said...

Perhaps continuity...requires both element of what you mentions ...., perhaps it depends on the individual, organization or the government to realise what is the season it is in apply of which element it should use ...perhaps it requires in what situation the reactor needs to continue from there ....perhaps continuity requires that commitment to sustains what that is present ...thus we have leaves that fall but the life of tree continues becos there is roots ...and remove the roots from the ground ....and it will not have life :)

anne artist said...

and what do the leaves know of the roots? as well as the roots' understanding of what it is to be a leaf.........yet, all a part of the tree.

can the tree do other than produce new leaves in the spring? and let them fall softly to the ground when the wind blows cold..........

Sally Ang said... that it is ...about never knows what the different parts is doing, but it is strongly standing firm on ground to grow and produce fruit ....thus we say knowledge puffs up....then again as human if we control and use our brain to invent, to rediscover every basics of creation and to improve on all aspects of health you think it will better the lives of yours and others ...when there is no love being built up ....spring brought leaves to grow healthy and produce flowers ...and these flowers died produce fruits :)....thus ...the trees do not only let leaves drop and blow by wind ....but it produce fruit ...btw i hope one of these days will have the courage to dye your hair green :)

anne artist said...

i guess i could dye my hair green and say it is lime green.........born of a fruit tree............