Sunday, April 17, 2011

if an entire universe were growing out of the top of my head, would you speak to me of black holes?


Sally Ang said...

When the entire universe were growing out of the top of my head, would you think there will still be space to speak to you about black holes ...or don't you think that how could black holes then be there ??

Raji said...

If I were a student of universes, I probably would study them too

anne artist said...

would you speak to me of what you could see or what destroys what you can see?

yet, are black holes part of the process of universes coming into existence?

can we have that which is without that which takes away?

Sally Ang said...

Basically, i am not a believer of black holes ...but i am a believer of a trinity God ...who is bring a world into harmony ...the kingdom comes, thy will be done ....therefore i will not talk about black holes ...but i will focus on to bring people into right thinking of letting this world a better habitat for generations to come ....and if there is existence of black holes ....maybe in my ignorance i would not want to think of it :)....

anne artist said...

perhaps there are "black holes" on earth. that which consumes everything near it.

if i had a universe growing out of my head, there might be disharmony as well. but if i know it is there, maybe i could choose to express the new stars being born.......the harmony, as you say, s.a.,............

Sally Ang said...

What a thought, Anne :)...thanks for the new perceptive :)....ya, stars being born :)....Well, even the universe is in disharmony could there be harmony in my head ...thus able to do something to curb the disharmony ??

anne artist said...

is harmony about knowing that disharmony is a part of life...........?

Sally Ang said...

I would rather ask to do something about the disharmony and not just to accept that disharmony, as a part of life ...:)...then there is always two sides of the coin...if we do not have disharmony ...then do we know about harmony??? Then,again history taught us about the consequences and results of the past events...thus we could wisely draw out what actions we suppose to take :)

anne artist said...

and aren't there times when what once seemed like disharmony become regarded as harmony?