Wednesday, July 28, 2010

when i cry salty tears, can i remember wading in the ocean?


Joe Cap said...

I like these posts, very moving, very kind.

John said...

I stumbled upon your blog while I was browsing blogger. I have recently become interested in the act of questioning. This act is more of a personal experience in which I ask myself about what I am sensing, feeling, thinking, perceiving, etc For instance, I feel anger but ask myself what is this anger? I feel this frees me from the shackles of identification with the anger and presents a space in which another, deeper answer arises. This answer feels more authentic. This is another answer to be interpreted as a question. I find this 'chance' coincidence or synchronous event - me stumbling upon your blog - to be interesting and attractive (for lack of a better descriptor).

anne artist said...

so answering becomes the art of creating a new question and the space in which to be with it until it becomes an answer soon to become a new question?

thanks for finding my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi,,, i really dnt know who r u ..but after going through your are really greate...and awesome personality....nice to see a creative genius like u...have a grt time..

anne artist said...

have you heard of joseph campbell? he spoke of following your bliss. that is what i am doing with this blog. thanks for being a part of it!

MARGO said...

Do not cry

anne artist said...

if water does not fall from my eyes, will my eyes miss seeing where that takes me?

Anonymous said...

I like, have you drown the draws?

luly said...

es muy hermoso tu blog, gracias a ti por compartir tu arte :)

anne artist said...

yes. these are my drawings.

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm from Argentina and looking for something interesting to read I found your Blog which I must admit it is VERY interesting! Your posts are great! You make me think a lot!
Go on like this!! I enjoy pretty much reading your posts and comments!

anne artist said...

thanks! it was great to hear from you.

None said...

what is dis all about huh

anne artist said...

why ask the question?

why not?

what it is about? the art of the question. paradox. about the journey...where a question leads in the adventure of discovering an answer, knowing all the while there is not any one answer. only another question waiting to be asked.

Agung said...

Halo, i like it too! keep it going on

Unknown said...

This stuff is utterly awful and pretentious.
Or perhaps it is me that writes the comment that is the creator? Is that as true as sunshine? Or is sunshine a reflection that hides what is true? Dont burn from my sunshine...(I could go on and on)

anne artist said...

this is the most negative comment i have received. so it gave me the opportunity to think. i don't have to publish all comments but it seemed unrealistic to decide not to publish an opinion just because it was negative.

in art, i've heard it said that the worst thing is for your work to elicit no response at all.

as for me, i simply love to draw and to ask questions. i have since i was a child. i post this blog in the hope that someone will respond with a question or comment that will help me think beyond my own view of things.

and i wish to connect to others by doing what brings me joy.

Smokey Moonlight said...

How will you find new answers if no one asks new questions?

hello fellow seeker...have been questioning all my life, they called me an over-inquisitive child, I called them ignorant grown-ups.

Love the blog, carry on lady...dont let a one odd criticism get to they say- "love me or hate me but spare me your indifference"

anne artist said...

it seems that we travel on boats and planes yet a question can take us on a journey of another kind......

basu said...

how did the eyes learn to cry?

Smokey Moonlight said...

They say light is the fastest traveller in the universe....but can't the mind reach places where even light hasn't reached yet and much faster too? Only those who are capable of travelling with their thoughts and questions can discover new lands that are not on the map yet.

anne artist said...

soumya, what an interesting question......what would you say?

and smokey mountain and sara, if you are reading, how would you respond to this question?

anyone else?

anne artist said...

as for light traveling, well, at the speed of light, and then the mind not being limited by that. i am wondering, would the mind not need to travel faster than light in order to theorize how fast light travels?

Bleeding Healer said...

I would like to answer soumya´s question, "how did the eyes learn to cry?"...
the eyes learnt to cry when the soul learnt to feel pain and pleasure..
I have a question...
is the eyes crying, or is it the soul?

anne artist said...

your words cause me to one's birth a time of pain and pleasure?

does the soul long to be free of the body yet because of the body, it feels........

yes, and now a new question is it the soul that is crying or the body, the eyes?

thank you for being part of the collaboration. i am curious about where it will take us.

Smokey Moonlight said...

pleasure and pain. I find it very difficult to isolate them from one another. Are they not attached with each other in a way 2 split personalities are? like yin-yang there is always some pleasure in pain and some pain in pleasure.

The body and the soul are like a couple where one is mute and the other blind. The mute soul feels pain but cannot express it, the blind body see's through the souls' eyes and sheds a tear.

But how does the soul express pain if the eyes have fogotten how to cry?

Bleeding Healer said...

indeed one´s birth is time of pain and pleasure, the pain of leaving the warmth of the mother´s womb, but the pleasure of entering this world, but still having the warmth of the mother´s warmth, is life was just a set decorum,then it would be blend, emotions are always a blend,therefore its a birth is a blend of pain and pleasure and also the birth of the soul....
i just read smookymoonlight´s comment and realized mine is quiet similar to hers...

the soul cannot survive without the body, the body cannot survive without the soul, both of them need the other to exist and moreover live..there is a difference between existence and living...

the soul feels the pain, the eyes are a part of the body, and the body is the medium to express the emotions..

well I loved your questions, and tried answering them in my own flimsy way, hope i have satisfied some curiosity...
will be waiting for more posts..=)

Bleeding Healer said...

certainly one´s birth is a time of pain and pleasure,pain to be taken away from the warmth of the mother´s womb and pleasure for entering the world,yet finding the warmth of mother´s love,life is not a set decorum,pain and pleasure exist together,emotions are always blend together,pain and pleasure is blend in together,there is always some amount of both...

the soul cannot exist without the body,and the bosy cannot exist without the soul,they need each other,and there is a difference between existence and living...if you exist are u living?

it´s the soul that fells the pain,the emotions can be traced to the source,eyes are a part of the body,and the body is the medium to express the emotions...
I will be waiting for more posts..=)

anne artist said...

i do love smokey moonlight's question:

"But how does the soul express pain if the eyes have fogotten how to cry?"

anne artist said...

by the way, i post new blogs on sunday and wednesday and in between, i look forward to what discoveries come from collaborating with those who comment.

Bleeding Healer said...

"But how does the soul express pain if the eyes have fogotten how to cry?"
it´s truly a very interesting question,I will try to answer..
have the eyes really forgotten to cry?cause the soul stil fells the emotions,still feels the pain,is it the mind that has commanded the eyes to not be the medium,to not show the pain,to forget how to cry?

Sally Ang said...

I dun know how to swim never try wading in the ocean before ....but i had cried salty tears before....guess when soul wants to show pain, eyes will cry then mind(controlled by spirit)....make eyes forget it's function ....get what i mean ??Another question ...when there is joy will there be tears too ??

Sally Ang said...

I dun know how to swim never try wading in the ocean before ....but i had cried salty tears before....guess when soul wants to show pain, eyes will cry then mind(controlled by spirit)....make eyes forget it's function ....get what i mean ??Another question ...when there is joy will there be tears too ??

anne artist said...

yes........tears are about joy, too........and wonder, etc.

thank you for, if i am remembering wading in the ocean when i cry salty tears, are they tears of sadness or joy or wonder or......?

Anchu Verma said...

I love this... I can't explain why... Your blog has sophisticated things you know... It is very thoughtful... Love your talent... I'd like you to check out my talent if you can... A poetry blog

Rahul Banerjee said...

Nice art work.....

Anonymous said...

wow ur truly an artist!:D

Ann said...

wow such an interesting blog ,congratulate you for having such a genius mind..will follow you from now on..

anne artist said...

thank you for being part of the process.....

Sally Ang said...

In wading in the ocean ...we cry fearful tears ....afraid of a landed context ...we cry lonely tears ....:)

anne artist said...

this is like a poem. thank you.

Steph_Boog said...


PheonixBurns said...

This picture has more meaning for me than all your others.