If I give you the sewing machine, would the next scarf you knit me made with the same special unknown thing that the fact that it was made by your own hands?
as my feet push the petal and move the sewing machine's needle, will my hands remember the yarn as it moves from needle to needle until a scarf appears?
There is a difference between hands and foot, that's why they recive their apart names; then wouldn't they feel diferent even being yours? And even using the same yarn of course...?
my feet know the feel of a metal pedal enabling a machine to sew. my fingers hold yarn and feel it slipping from one hand to another as the needles loop in and out. if my fingers can touch the sewing machine pedal, will they sigh or will they grasp that it is simply another way? and will my feet long for the feel of yarn as they touch the pedal or will they know that that small touch enables a sewing needle to fly?
My hands and feet are addicts to feel according to the conection they have with my heart.....people say heart is the unique source of wisdom that is caps of feeling for the whole body; are your hands and feet addicts to your heart as well?
Without knowing the sweet of satisfaction, how does one compare it to the opposite? if one has never seen beauty before, how can he or she judge ugliness? Or is there some inner compass that every human has, that tells you that something isn't right...
now, where the shadow of simplicity of the past remains, is this what makes us feel hollow inside?
Sometimes one doesn't know exactly what a specific thing is but its opposite, having a slight image of it.
How could one be sure if one has seen beauty or ugliness before? Doesn't it depend of the inner concepts one has which could be different to another one?
Is not a compass what tells us where to go not if that way is right or wrong?
Is satisfaction the thing that makes us to feel empty or full inside? If it is, then what is the feelings job?
was it made so that people could recognize linearity in the midst of abstraction......for example, north while sailing on the open seas.......was it created so that man could have order in the midst of abstraction? and if so, is a concept other than an abstraction?
I had to run back in time to answer your question.
"Seven Rules for a Life in Hiding...
Number 7: Never create anything..., it will be misinterpreted, it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life. It will never change".
Everything the individual does is never good enough for the public. Everyone looks at creation with their own eyes and their own dictionaries and points out faults and imagined significance.
They are not entirely wrong. The creator can see the faults and knows there are limitations. Our shortcomings are obvious when we document them. And within those faults lies the ground we need to sow to grow.
But the perceptions of others serves to create false shortcomings and inflated meaning. And through creation others do not see the individual. They only see their own perception of a creation. And pretty soon, if the creator is famous they are forced into the public, imagined ideal.
Then, growth is stunted, we are chained to past ideas, always correcting faults others see in us. And then in the eyes of the world and ourselves we can never change. The individual becomes a persona, ready to be discarded after a news cycle.
I'll bet you remember the faces of strangers you lusted after more vividly than old relationships. Nothing was created between you and the stranger, just a moment. In an old relationship, perceptions were imagined and not lived up to, and cracked ideas fade quicker than pure dreams.
I stole the title from the movie "I'm not There" The original title was from a pretty lights song "City of One"
The idea I hope is my own and not false perception.
i am a painter who began my career as a child coloring outside the lines of my coloring books. i am a writer who started out by composing adventure stories while riding my stick horse around the backyard. as a child, i got in trouble for asking too many questions...i question that.
"the emperor's new clothes" by hans christian andersen
this fairy tale has been a companion to me as i have traveled through my life.
briefly, it is about an emperor who was deceived by two tailors who said they were making a set of clothing out of a "dream" fabric. in reality, they used no fabric at all. to make their scam complete, they announced that only those who were wise enough would be able to see the beautiful clothing. and so, no one, not even the emperor, admitted to being unable to see it.
wearing his new "clothing", the emperor paraded through his kingdom. no one questioned his appearance; no one wished to appear less than wise.
until a small child asked, "why is the emperor not wearing any clothes?"
so it is that i ask, if i question rather than believe i am wise, what will i see?
If I give you the sewing machine, would the next scarf you knit me made with the same special unknown thing that the fact that it was made by your own hands?
as my feet push the petal and move the sewing machine's needle, will my hands remember the yarn as it moves from needle to needle until a scarf appears?
There is a difference between hands and foot, that's why they recive their apart names; then wouldn't they feel diferent even being yours? And even using the same yarn of course...?
my feet know the feel of a metal pedal enabling a machine to sew. my fingers hold yarn and feel it slipping from one hand to another as the needles loop in and out. if my fingers can touch the sewing machine pedal, will they sigh or will they grasp that it is simply another way? and will my feet long for the feel of yarn as they touch the pedal or will they know that that small touch enables a sewing needle to fly?
My hands and feet are addicts to feel according to the conection they have with my heart.....people say heart is the unique source of wisdom that is caps of feeling for the whole body; are your hands and feet addicts to your heart as well?
would my hands and feet know who they are without my heart speaking their names?
What is doing your heart then if not doing its job?
does my heart know it has a job?
Me has hecho mal.
For that issue question...I thank you here.
de nada.
i believed satisfaction, would i soon look into the eyes of dissatisfaction?
One has to taste enough to say one has lived pretty enough, hasn´t one?
and choked...
and stirred it all with a wooden spoon in an ancient pot over a smoldering flame.....
Completely agree.....
Without knowing the sweet of satisfaction, how does one compare it to the opposite? if one has never seen beauty before, how can he or she judge ugliness?
Or is there some inner compass that every human has, that tells you that something isn't right...
now, where the shadow of simplicity of the past remains, is this what makes us feel hollow inside?
if we feel hollow inside, will our inner compass speak to us about fullness?
Sometimes one doesn't know exactly what a specific thing is but its opposite, having a slight image of it.
How could one be sure if one has seen beauty or ugliness before? Doesn't it depend of the inner concepts one has which could be different to another one?
Is not a compass what tells us where to go not if that way is right or wrong?
Is satisfaction the thing that makes us to feel empty or full inside?
If it is, then what is the feelings job?
is the inner compass then that which does not depend on inner concepts; it only knows direction without value attached?
yes, and what is the job of feelings?
If inner compass does not follow inner concepts then what does it follow to tell us where to go?
To make us feel alive at least?
does the inner compass recognize rather than follow?
If it recognize directions, is it in the capacity of recognizing concepts?
ah, it's sara and her amazing questions!
is a direction other than a concept?
But......was not that concept why the compass was made to recignize for?
Yeahp, I'm back and I did like your comment, obviously I also laught.
i wonder about that?
was it made so that people could recognize linearity in the midst of abstraction......for example, north while sailing on the open seas.......was it created so that man could have order in the midst of abstraction? and if so, is a concept other than an abstraction?
.....an abstraction which defines a concise thing
lovely. thanks.
Siempre que pueda......
I would give you more yarn.
that would be validating.
I had to run back in time to answer your question.
"Seven Rules for a Life in Hiding...
Number 7: Never create anything..., it will be misinterpreted, it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life. It will never change".
Everything the individual does is never good enough for the public. Everyone looks at creation with their own eyes and their own dictionaries and points out faults and imagined significance.
They are not entirely wrong. The creator can see the faults and knows there are limitations. Our shortcomings are obvious when we document them. And within those faults lies the ground we need to sow to grow.
But the perceptions of others serves to create false shortcomings and inflated meaning. And through creation others do not see the individual. They only see their own perception of a creation. And pretty soon, if the creator is famous they are forced into the public, imagined ideal.
Then, growth is stunted, we are chained to past ideas, always correcting faults others see in us. And then in the eyes of the world and ourselves we can never change. The individual becomes a persona, ready to be discarded after a news cycle.
I'll bet you remember the faces of strangers you lusted after more vividly than old relationships. Nothing was created between you and the stranger, just a moment. In an old relationship, perceptions were imagined and not lived up to, and cracked ideas fade quicker than pure dreams.
I stole the title from the movie "I'm not There" The original title was from a pretty lights song "City of One"
The idea I hope is my own and not false perception.
sir, you did run back in time....
so we create perceptions and then become enslaved by them....are we socialized, led into those perceptions? so that we will always be left wanting?
what is creating? is it making visible that which until a moment before remained unseen? is it seeing the unseen within the visible?
or is it breathing, in and out; the heart beating and pausing only to beat again?
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