Sunday, September 4, 2011

if i were an apple, would i rather be a daisy?


Sally Ang said...

I would be an apple...becos apple is a healthy apple a day, keeps the doctor away :)....a daisy would only be able to let you look at , and just being a nice flower...:)...Anne, which would you like to be ??

anne artist said...

for me, an apple is also a seed, a beginning. the flower is what a seed is all about.

would i rather be the potential for a new tree as well as a source of nourishment? or would i prefer to be fragile, colorful beauty, speaking to that part of life?

well, if i were an apple i might be curious about the delicate vibrancy of a daisy....

Sally Ang said...

How did the daisy grow to display that ??....maybe if the seed is not planted , and not being the nourishment...will the daisy ever develop it's beauty ....:)....perhaps we are both the apple and the daisy somehow :)....

anne artist said...

s.a., i like this! how would an apple express its inner daisy?

Leo said...

I rarely comment, but always look and read. I love your work and your posts. Always intriguing and interesting

anne artist said...

leo, thank you so words are a gift!