Sunday, September 18, 2011

if i live a straightforward life, will i see what i left behind?


Sally Ang said...

Maybe what you left behind doesn't matter at all, becos, perhaps ...being "straightforward" living are just living life as useful, and as practical as it should be according to your convictions in life....thus no regrets whatsoever, or things to held you back :)....

anne artist said...

if i don't see what i left behind, would i notice what i brought with me?

Sally Ang said... will notice...but if you had notice, what would you do about it ??

anne artist said...

if i notice, hsve i brought it with me?

Sally Ang said...

haha...what is hsve??...Was it have ?? i had notised :) Did you noticed mine ??

anne artist said...

very funny...i cannot " tpye" on this ipad. a new wireless keyboard is on its way to me. . . .

i wonder if i notise what i hsve, will i notice what i have not? and if i do, will i be traveling in a straightforward way or spiralling.?

Sally Ang said...

What do you fancy....a "straightforward" way or a "spiralling" way ??....what you noticed you have, you need to perfect it ....what you noticed you dun you want it badly ?? If you do you want to get it, learn how to do it or let it be in your life ....:)

anne artist said...

are you talking in a spiral?

i like it....

anne artist said...

i lost your comment, s.a., so have cut and pasted it...

:)...perhaps...dun really know what is spiral in your context means....only know how a spiral staircase looks like...and the design of "spiral cut " of dresses :)...."commenting" can used spiral, meh?? "Meh" singlish used in singapore by common folks who does not speak very good english :) a word we use loosely for a friendly comment at the end of a sentence :)

anne artist said...

cool...i learned a new word, thanks to you!

to me, spiral is circular in a looping way. i do appreciate a good loop....

so if i am straightforward, what happens to the loop?

Raji said...

you will feel it more and more as you age and see those who were not as straightforward go senile or insane.

anne artist said...

so, r, there iis an art to finding the loop in the straightforward....