Sunday, January 2, 2011

if i were an untamed bird, would i recognize a cage if i saw one?


anne artist said...

thanks, m!

Miranda said...

Well, of course you would not, having never seen a cage before, look at it and say "gee, that's a bird cage." You would, however, look at it and think that is a trapped in place you would not wish to be. You would know that those in that cage do not expiriance the complete freedom you do.

anne artist said...

so we don't have to name it in order to understand it....

Sally Ang said...

You would not recognize a cage, then again, as an untamed bird do you know what does it means by being caged therefore ....not experienced being caged means that you will never know how the lost of freedom,feel like ...and vice versa ....why do we then build cage ??

anne artist said...

if i do not know what it feels like to lose freedom, do i know what it means to experience freedom itself?