Wednesday, September 8, 2010

if i were a tower of strength, would only the clouds see me close-up?


E. Studnicka said...

It is a tower of strength that joins together earth and heaven, for there cannot be one without the other.

Bleeding Healer said...

if you are the tower of strength, then is there a stairway to reach you?
And even if you are a high tower, I will make sure I have binoculars so that even though you may seem far away, you will be close when i see through the lens.
And hey thanx for stopping by the blog and appreciating the award. =]
Bleeding Healer

anne artist said...

mwb, then connection is what gives the strength....

and if were holding heaving and earth together, would you become a cloud in order to see me?

anne artist said...

i am still amazed at your idea of becoming a giver of awards. and the way you write about each one is so lyrical. your award made my day and most probably quite a few other days tp come!

the stairway might be on the inside of the tower, unfortunately.

rapunzel, in the fairy tale, let down her hair and was accessible that way; however hair takes a long time to grow to great lengths. and just the upkeep on a hair ladder would be extensive. way too high maintenance for me.

so your cloud alternative, binoculars, would be easier. you could see me, but you would be like a would we deal with the inbalance?

Bleeding Healer said...

well I am not the only one who does that, many people come up with their own awards which they give to bloggers...
and I believe there is never too much done to show appreciation for anything said or done..And you very well deserved it anne..=)
hahahhaha..yes indeed at this age,growing that long a hair is difficult..well to deal with this inbalance, I will walk miles to meet you, I will knowck on the door of the tower, and present you with another binocular that way we both can see each other,or i will create a gigantic maginifying glacc, from which all would seem so near to me and you, and if that fails to I won´t give up, but learn to fly, so that I can sit on the high walls of the tower. Or I will become a brick that the tower is made up of, that way you can never separate me from yourself. =9
Bleeding healer

Violet said...

If you are a tower of strength, then the clouds of sorrow will have to break to let you in through them... thats means the sunlight ill shine through the clouds. In other words, be strong like the tower and let the clouds pass through you and you will not break but they would have to and eventually rays of happiness and light will seep though :)

anne artist said...

yes there is an art to letting things pass through.....rather than resisting.

E. Studnicka said...

Do we have to be clouds to experience the tower of strength?

anne artist said...

no, i don't believe so. i suggested clouds since they are high above the ground and therefore, could see the top of it.

what else could see a tower that reached high into the sky?

E. Studnicka said...

Those who live in it.

anne artist said...

if i were the tower then i would be the only one who could see it, then, other than clouds, for example?

why then would i wish to be a tower of strength? is there another way being strong could manifest?

Lazarus Lupin said...

Only you would notice the clouds
the rest of us groundlings would be invisible to you as we gaze up
Beware of clouds though they appear your friends.
Look at your brother tower
in the tarot.

Lazarus Lupin
art and review

PS: "If you can put an edge on a stick of butter you are a cut above the rest." Today's colour is golden. Today's author has a smile in his pocket. That is all, maho maho.

E. Studnicka said...

Isn't everyone their own tower and their own cloud? And those who live within our towers are adventurous birds looking for shelter.

anne artist said...

lazarus lupin, just so you know, i am a professional watcher of clouds.

although i profess to being all thumbs (opposable) when it comes to butter and i am not sure that i understand edges. what are edges about, anyway?

as for the tower, well, i do believe i meant it in a way similar to the tower in the tarot cards....without of course, knowing the meaning of it within tarot cards. not a place for happy campers with smiles in their pockets after carving the perfect edge on the butter.

if i express strength by being a tower, am i really strong? as you said, i would be solitary....if so, where is the strength there?

when i make myself into a tower and exhibit my strength that way, what i have really done?

furthermore, i am not sure the clouds are very happy about it, either. at least from what i see, they are talking to lightning and thunder and that seems like an omen of sorts.......

Bleeding Healer said...

I agree with Lupin's recent comment.
However I believe that when Anne talked about clouds she was not generally implying any symbolism, but simply saying they would be nearest to the tower since it's high up, however as I said we learn how to fly, we will be able to reach her tower of strength, we can build tunnels, or simply knock on the door of her tower..=]

"when i make myself into a tower and exhibit my strength that way, what i have really done?"

you have made yourself stronger, build firm foundations to lay your future upon...

"furthermore, i am not sure the clouds are very happy about it, either. at least from what i see, they are talking to lightning and thunder and that seems like an omen of sorts......."

May be the lightening and thundering are the signs of the clouds rejoicing and inviting the other elements of nature..may be they are having a small part of their own, in the joy of your tower of strength being build so high and steady..=]

Bleeding Healer

anne artist said...

mwb, an adventurous bird looking for shelter......a most intriguing image. thank you for it.

and i am liking the direction of your is not "either or' but both. even if i would rather not be a tower of strength, i will still be that at some point. and as lazarus lupin said, it won't portend well for me, most probably. it is an act of separation....

yet, within me is the cloud. and i can become many shapes and bring shade to the land i pass over and express the colors of sunrise and sunset.

but within the cloud, is the tower....

E. Studnicka said...

Eternal concentric circles.

anne artist said...

bh, you know me so well......i did not mean any symbolism about the clouds. i just saw clouds floating near the top of the tower which is where i would be.

and i am really pleased with what you said about lightning and thunder..."inviting other elements of nature". you are showing me a way to feel good about my tower!

and in order to connect with me, you will learn to fly or tunnel or realize that you could knock on the door or all of the above. there are so many opportunities for self expression and growth. and when we meet, i could listen to your stories of learning to fly, etc.

rocks are my friends; i bring back rocks from my trips whereas other people might buy stuff, and so if my tower were made of those, i might like it.

and i also might better understand your tower, too.

anne artist said...

"eternal concentric circles" wow!

Bleeding Healer said...

Well you should definately feel good about your tower, it's your creation, and to me it's beautiful.
me too, I love collecting rocks and often shells, but I am a little choosy while selecting the rocks, I also select unique ones,unique doesn't have to be beautiful, it simply means it's different..
I might understand few things but I am still 16 and I did not understand at all what mwb meant by "eternal concentric circles"

Bleeding Healer

anne artist said...

maybe mwb will tell us more about his circles. as for me, they simply took me to an abstract place that i enjoyed.

it seems to me that rocks tell us stories about time as well as timelessness. and a rock can bring comfort when held in the hand.

to paraphrase another discussion in this blog, aren't you more than the sum of your years? "whole" while growing through "parts" of your life. from what i can see, you are a wise in a way that can't be defined by numbers.......

Bleeding Healer said...

I agree with the statement that rocks bring a comfort when held in one's hand, though i wonder even with its rough edges and harsh exterior it has the power to bring warmth, hope and strength to someone..i sometimes feel like the rock, infact I always feel like a rock, rough and harsh,hard exterior, nothing that is completely attractive, however soft,warm from the inside, may be it's the rock's spirit in me..=]but I know there are people like you who would appreciate rocks..and thus me...

I like the idea of whole while growing through parts of your life...=] its simply flawless and beautiful..Well we all are more than sum of our years, yet somehow I would still be a "teenager" too many, I have lots to learn..and thank you for the compliment.

Bleeding healer

anne artist said...

and then people from their towers will look down and are only a thirty year old....or only forty......and then if you continue through this life, you just might are too old......i am not sure what the age of wisdom is......but it seems to me that there is wisdom in each age.

one of my professors always asked on the first day of class.....what do you want to learn from this class?
and my reply would be: i wish to get a glimpse of how much i have yet to learn.

aren't we all just beginning? and aren't we also wise in a way we never anticipated?

"eternal concentric circles"......mwb's words are echoing back to me.

E. Studnicka said...

To remove the mystifying elegance of abstraction is an abomination that I will not let my rambling explanations alter.

anne artist said...

mwb, thank you......

tonite, i saw a rainbow. concentric arcs of color in the sky......

not an abstraction but yet........

Bleeding Healer said...

I will answer to the two comment when I am in my 30s, joking, I understand, sometimes few things should remain a mystery...
I like the idea of seeing a rainbow in the night sky <3

Bleeding Healer

Sally Ang said...

Guess every new day, is a new beginning ....until when your life ends ,then again it means is a new beginning (in my own at heaven with God ),in another realm....
Qn: if i were a tower of strength, would only the clouds see me close-up ....well, maybe God and the birds will see you close-up if you mean close-up to be at the top of tower ....but guess all the people will see you....and not to mention the people who built you....they will realise through the rocks that they picked and piled,had make you into a tower of stength.Got a qn, Will this tower of strength be covered up by the mist and the many clouds in the sky ??If it is covered , how will it feel ??Does it ceased to be the strong tower??

Lazarus Lupin said...

A tower can be built of concentric circles
I like better a circular stair case within the tower
and when one walks it one makes circles again and again conceivably forever
A prayer wheel that is quite a feet

as for the butter
the best way to put an edge on butter
is to free it.
now that's hot.

anne artist said...

i had not thought about other people helping to build the tower. it is an interesting piece to the puzzle. thanks!

and if the top of the tower were in the mist and fog, it would have become a cloud! if i were a tower, i would love to feel like a cloud from time to time.....or at least that is how it seems to me, down here on the ground.

anne artist said...

lupin, so many of these comments bring expansiveness and laughter to my world....thank you for being a part of that!

" a prayer wheel that is a feet" made of inner concentric circles i can feel with my.....soles...

it seems that there are edges created by freedom and they are indeed hot. yet, i am thinking that there could be an edge carved into frozen butter and that brings me back to the kind of tower that shows up in the tarot cards......i prefer the buttery kind that frees me to float with the clouds and fly with the birds who visit the top of the tower.

Come At Me Bro said...

Love it!

Vlado&Toni said...

nice blog :) browsed through some of your questions.. really interesting,. just got here through pressing the next blog button.. well hope to drop by again some time soon

anne artist said...

thanks. i look forward to your next visit and comments!

Adelene Chiam said...

If you were a tower of strength, then the clouds wouldn't see you close-up. Anybody could SEE you, but not acknowledge your presence. Those who can see you close up are those not only close enough but realise that their LOOKING AT A TOWER OF STRENGTH.

anne artist said...

to to really see me one must realize who i am.......