if you stare at me closely,would you disclose all my secret? Would your preservative change about me,would you see me in a new light? When you see my face what do you see? BH
When you stare at someone's face closely anything else is not important. There's just you and them at that moment, no perspective, no mind, just one feel.
you'll found a new perspective, and you'll ask me how close have I stare at your face for lose perspectives at all?... I don't know,..., depends of your concept of perspective.
It is said that one can reveal one's secrets by looking at someone's closely,deep into their eyes,I believe they were referring to emotions.But if secrets could be unlocked that way, then rarely people get to know the other person's secrets,since most of the time do we really "look"?
Indeed how is light new,I mentioned light as symbolic of a perspective,would you see with a new perspective?Not a stranger but a friend?A new light henceforth?
Would you be meditating on my face?Would you be observing the faults and fixtures of my face, would you perceive the emotions?Would you see the maturity behind the face without any lines to show experience? Interesting. BH
bh, yes, how often do we really look at one another? and when we do, will we be able to see the invisible parts?
if i stare at your face, am i "looking" at it? if staring at your face is a meditation, would it be like nefes said....."one"? in other words, not "your" face. not "my" face. but being part of all the faces that ever were and will be....when i meditate do i believe in boundaries and separateness?
if i see you as a friend, in a new light, then do i see you emotionally.....remembering how your face changes depending on what you are experiencing? does your face become the portrait of a friendship? does your face become a coloring book with lines etched by an unseen hand? is there any way to color outside those lines?
if i see you in a new light, what is the light made of?
so many questions.....just from staring closely at a screen on which there are words drawing our faces in ways we cannot see.........
So many questions indeed!!When you talk about the invisible parts what are you referring to?Are you talking about feelings,or are you talking about the physical aspects not noticed by many but seen by you?Like a person with glasses may have the prettiest eyes,but they are hidden behind the glasses,and many won't really look.Or is it the emotions,I might be smiling,but i might be sad.So what are the invisible parts?
I believe when one meditates there are no boundaries or limitations, I guess one opens oneself to all possibilities,to the world and all the emotions,since one has no boundary every emotion is inviting.So maybe when you are staring at my face you are meditation on your own thoughts,or you are meditating on my face,my face is the subject,so you will be discovering me through the meditations,but discovering me,will also be discovering a part of you.So many words!!!
My face might be the portrait of our friendship,and the medium or symbol of our friendship would change from time to time,sometimes your questions is the portrait of our friendship.Considering I am a stranger yet a friend.May be I am the picture drawn by God,the lines are drawn and color is filled,but the invisible blank sheet around me is free for everyone,who sketch there various lines and drawings in them, and these drawings become emotional,physical or a mental part of me.Sometimes not seen,but every sketch comes to the surface of my face for the eyes of the others to see.
I love the questions of what is light made up of,would be it be trust and friendship, since you see as a friend,or would be purity of soul since you see me as a human?Or would it simply be the light reflecting from your eyes unto my presence.
Words are symbols for my face indeed. Loved these questions Anne. BH
bh, invisible parts , what are they? there are the aspects you mention, yes. what about the parts that you yourself don't see when i look at you? could another see them?
if in meditating on your face, do i cease to wonder if i know you and because of that, do i know you in ways that cannot be described in words?
if i were meditating on a candle flame, would i be studying the flame or simply being with it without asking it to be the flame...not named, not defined...?
i really like that a "question is the portrait of our friendship."
if i stare closely at your face, do i become a question?
Yes the aspects I don't see myself,but might be visible to the person looking at me,very interesting.Traits or emotions,that I may not know of,but are seen by the person gazing at me intensely.So very true.
I believe we all know each other in ways that cannot be described.I may not know your dislike or likes,but I may know about your emotions and feelings,I may not know you as a whole,but I may know the parts of your thoroughly.As you mentioned even parts not known by you.
When you are meditating it depends on you,how you see he flame,I might see the flame as burning fire,I might see the flame as the warmth giver,I might see the flame as a hope in the dark,and I may see the flame as no name,no tag,not anything defined,but just a creation of God.Pure, and unnamed. I really believe that the questions are the symbol of our friendship.=]Atleast to me. if you stare closely at my face you become the answer,you hold all the answers to the questions projected by my face,you also answer the questions in your own mind in the process.Am I a question to you,if you are staring at my face? BH
if i stare closely at the flame, i go to a placeless place. somewhere where words cannot find me. and even the lines are blurred, or maybe non existent.
i wonder if i stare closely at your face, do i become the silence in between words? even as you ask me a question that your face has already answered.
Silence between words.beautiful. yes sometimes I may as a question,that I may answer unknowingly,but not knowing that my body has unconsciously answered,I will look at you for the answers.Do we know all the answers to the questions?Is somewhere deep down a chest where all answers are stored,ready to come out when the time is right? Bh
bh, i like this...."sometimes I may as a question,that I may answer unknowingly...."
an "answer chest"......i wonder how the answers know when the time is right to emerge....or if they are called forth, how they here the siren's song.
in the end, i am not sure there ia an answer to a question although i might tell myself i have created one. just as a line drawn with a pencil can be erased, so can an answer vanish only to become another line leading to another question.
i wonder if questions aren't answers in and of themselves. having said that, i like to play with the possibilities.....and the new images that appear only to lead me to a placeless place where i can see no images, only a pencil lying on a table with an eraser partially used up.
Interesting.Yes sometimes the questions are the answers and the answer becomes the questions,roles reverse all the time. Answers vanish when they possibility of them being the right answer,or the actuality of the situation blurs the answer, i believe every question sounds different to the ears all the time, so the answer that comes from the soul also differs.I may say one thing at a point,and something quiet opposite to the one answer given before some other time. So may be the questions and answer are dynamic just like me. BH
You are only staring closely at my face, thus you won't lost your perspective ....but after studying my face, will you gain a new light into your perspective??Maybe on my face, you found a smile that you never seen on anyone, and thus your perspective is changed, but not lost....maybe on my face, you found a pair of eyes that sparkles after it had been stained with tears....what will then be your perspective ??
your comments often lead me to research what it is you might be talking about. i like that.
noh.....japanese drama with the male actors playing male and female roles......
well, since we hear a lot about how each person has both male and female personality aspects, then i am astounded to find myself saying that to see no face when i look at you might enable me to see the noh drama enacted on your mask. and yes, if i look skyward, i could see you there although of course you have no face...only lights and shadows shining into my eyes as if they were the word....."face".
so, the question evolves to be.....if i stare closely at your face, will i forget how to read?
reading is imposing a pattern, order, upon experience. It works between people who agree upon what that pattern is. If you stared deep enoug, you will go past all the things that form the patterns you know. Think of "i" imagine yourself moving closer to "i" till you can't see it as a whole. Maybe you are just looking at that funny little boot on the bottom. When this happens then you will forget how to read because there will be nothing TO read. You have gone pasts all sign posts and you are on the blank map. It is chaos for the moment. But you will see new things. You'll hold them in your mind through memory. Compare, contrast. You will discover new patterns. Soon from chaos there will be a new order. You'll learn to read again a language of one.
l.l., i cannot teach it to you, as i believe you know. but i can stand next to you as the patterns dissolve into blankness. and gaze out on the chaos, allowing it, until meaning returns and the journey begins anew.
will you see me standing there? i don't think so. and if you do, you won't see my face, won't have a word for the pattern that is me.
as you say, it is a "language of one" but yet, "one" can mean more than one....perhaps, it can do no other than mean more than "one".
i have been thinking about yesterday's comments. how what i have read about neuropsych and anthropology intertwines with our conversation. that when born, our "wiring" would enable us to speak any language but as we grow, our brain becomes accustomed to the speech we hear and the connections for that become the strongest. (this is a loose paraphrasing).
so, i i look at you, i am bringing what i have learned to see. i believe l.l. was talking about this. our culture gives us a frame of reference so that we don't fall into the abyss of chaos resulting in not recognizing a face.
if we do manage to forget or disconnect with our "framework", then often it bubbles up within us.
to refer back to a prior blog, is it that framework that "follows behind" as we go on ahead?
if i stare at your face; if it becomes like a meditation, am i floating free of the framework, and if so, do i lose my perspective?
so, it seems, l.l., that i could teach you a language of many....if as you stand in the chaos, i sing to you in a language you once knew. a language that will help you navigate what once was familiar to you.
however, your question was if i could teach you the language of one....
i can sing my language to you.....the one that came out of the chaos into new patterns, but if you hear it, it could be like a siren's song.....
are you willing to take that risk? especially when ear plugs could take you to a river uninhabited by an ancient siren.....
l., since i am willing to see you without a face, and you are willing to hear the siren's song, let the mutual learning unfold.........or, rather continue.....
it was said of leonard cohen that he looked into the abyss and laughed.....how are you at laughing?
once again, i found myself googling something you said. so, i assuming by "key 0" you are referring to the fool in the tarot cards.....or am i confused?
if it is in regard to the tarot and the fool, then.....yes.
as for the sun.....i might be one to step into the moonlight.
although this morning, i noticed the moon sharing the sunlit sky.
l.l., i do like that.....no keys in a world of doors.
i thought of your comment about the sun earlier today. i was standing outside with someone who was doing yard work and in the process of weeding was bitten by something...mosquito, who knows; this is texas after all.
anyway, i was asked to look at it......to acknowledge its visibility.....and so, standing in full sunshine, i looked at the arm and saw no redness. just arm.
then we moved to the shade and started talking about other things.....and there, clearly visible on the arm was a big red spot.
so, i wondered can too much light on a subject make it impossible to see it?
and so it is that i have asked......because i learn from you as well.
One thing I find interesting here is we are feeling are way to a philosphical understanding along an aethestic/analog axis rather than a straight logical/reason/digital matrix.
i am a painter who began my career as a child coloring outside the lines of my coloring books. i am a writer who started out by composing adventure stories while riding my stick horse around the backyard. as a child, i got in trouble for asking too many questions...i question that.
"the emperor's new clothes" by hans christian andersen
this fairy tale has been a companion to me as i have traveled through my life.
briefly, it is about an emperor who was deceived by two tailors who said they were making a set of clothing out of a "dream" fabric. in reality, they used no fabric at all. to make their scam complete, they announced that only those who were wise enough would be able to see the beautiful clothing. and so, no one, not even the emperor, admitted to being unable to see it.
wearing his new "clothing", the emperor paraded through his kingdom. no one questioned his appearance; no one wished to appear less than wise.
until a small child asked, "why is the emperor not wearing any clothes?"
so it is that i ask, if i question rather than believe i am wise, what will i see?
perspective, maybe. mind, probably.
rw......very funny......
if i lose my mind, might i still have my perspective?
if you stare at me closely,would you disclose all my secret?
Would your preservative change about me,would you see me in a new light?
When you see my face what do you see?
When you stare at someone's face closely anything else is not important. There's just you and them at that moment, no perspective, no mind, just one feel.
You may gain a new perspective.
I meant perspective.
Would your perspective change about me,would you see me in a new light?
bh, if i stare at you closely what would i see? would i see your secrets?
how is light "nw"/
if i stare closely at your face, i might only see your eyebrow.....
bh, we are both having typing issues today.....i meant "new".
n, if i stare closely at you.....your word inspired me to ask a question.....would it be like a meditation?
you'll found a new perspective, and you'll ask me how close have I stare at your face for lose perspectives at all?...
I don't know,..., depends of your concept of perspective.
good day.
yes, felisa, what is perspective?
It is said that one can reveal one's secrets by looking at someone's closely,deep into their eyes,I believe they were referring to emotions.But if secrets could be unlocked that way, then rarely people get to know the other person's secrets,since most of the time do we really "look"?
Indeed how is light new,I mentioned light as symbolic of a perspective,would you see with a new perspective?Not a stranger but a friend?A new light henceforth?
Would you be meditating on my face?Would you be observing the faults and fixtures of my face, would you perceive the emotions?Would you see the maturity behind the face without any lines to show experience?
bh, yes, how often do we really look at one another? and when we do, will we be able to see the invisible parts?
if i stare at your face, am i "looking" at it? if staring at your face is a meditation, would it be like nefes said....."one"? in other words, not "your" face. not "my" face. but being part of all the faces that ever were and will be....when i meditate do i believe in boundaries and separateness?
if i see you as a friend, in a new light, then do i see you emotionally.....remembering how your face changes depending on what you are experiencing? does your face become the portrait of a friendship? does your face become a coloring book with lines etched by an unseen hand? is there any way to color outside those lines?
if i see you in a new light, what is the light made of?
so many questions.....just from staring closely at a screen on which there are words drawing our faces in ways we cannot see.........
So many questions indeed!!When you talk about the invisible parts what are you referring to?Are you talking about feelings,or are you talking about the physical aspects not noticed by many but seen by you?Like a person with glasses may have the prettiest eyes,but they are hidden behind the glasses,and many won't really look.Or is it the emotions,I might be smiling,but i might be sad.So what are the invisible parts?
I believe when one meditates there are no boundaries or limitations, I guess one opens oneself to all possibilities,to the world and all the emotions,since one has no boundary every emotion is inviting.So maybe when you are staring at my face you are meditation on your own thoughts,or you are meditating on my face,my face is the subject,so you will be discovering me through the meditations,but discovering me,will also be discovering a part of you.So many words!!!
My face might be the portrait of our friendship,and the medium or symbol of our friendship would change from time to time,sometimes your questions is the portrait of our friendship.Considering I am a stranger yet a friend.May be I am the picture drawn by God,the lines are drawn and color is filled,but the invisible blank sheet around me is free for everyone,who sketch there various lines and drawings in them, and these drawings become emotional,physical or a mental part of me.Sometimes not seen,but every sketch comes to the surface of my face for the eyes of the others to see.
I love the questions of what is light made up of,would be it be trust and friendship, since you see as a friend,or would be purity of soul since you see me as a human?Or would it simply be the light reflecting from your eyes unto my presence.
Words are symbols for my face indeed.
Loved these questions Anne.
bh, invisible parts , what are they? there are the aspects you mention, yes. what about the parts that you yourself don't see when i look at you? could another see them?
if in meditating on your face, do i cease to wonder if i know you and because of that, do i know you in ways that cannot be described in words?
if i were meditating on a candle flame, would i be studying the flame or simply being with it without asking it to be the flame...not named, not defined...?
i really like that a "question is the portrait of our friendship."
if i stare closely at your face, do i become a question?
Yes the aspects I don't see myself,but might be visible to the person looking at me,very interesting.Traits or emotions,that I may not know of,but are seen by the person gazing at me intensely.So very true.
I believe we all know each other in ways that cannot be described.I may not know your dislike or likes,but I may know about your emotions and feelings,I may not know you as a whole,but I may know the parts of your thoroughly.As you mentioned even parts not known by you.
When you are meditating it depends on you,how you see he flame,I might see the flame as burning fire,I might see the flame as the warmth giver,I might see the flame as a hope in the dark,and I may see the flame as no name,no tag,not anything defined,but just a creation of God.Pure, and unnamed.
I really believe that the questions are the symbol of our friendship.=]Atleast to me.
if you stare closely at my face you become the answer,you hold all the answers to the questions projected by my face,you also answer the questions in your own mind in the process.Am I a question to you,if you are staring at my face?
if i stare closely at the flame, i go to a placeless place. somewhere where words cannot find me. and even the lines are blurred, or maybe non existent.
i wonder if i stare closely at your face, do i become the silence in between words? even as you ask me a question that your face has already answered.
Silence between words.beautiful.
yes sometimes I may as a question,that I may answer unknowingly,but not knowing that my body has unconsciously answered,I will look at you for the answers.Do we know all the answers to the questions?Is somewhere deep down a chest where all answers are stored,ready to come out when the time is right?
bh, i like this...."sometimes I may as a question,that I may answer unknowingly...."
an "answer chest"......i wonder how the answers know when the time is right to emerge....or if they are called forth, how they here the siren's song.
in the end, i am not sure there ia an answer to a question although i might tell myself i have created one. just as a line drawn with a pencil can be erased, so can an answer vanish only to become another line leading to another question.
i wonder if questions aren't answers in and of themselves. having said that, i like to play with the possibilities.....and the new images that appear only to lead me to a placeless place where i can see no images, only a pencil lying on a table with an eraser partially used up.
Interesting.Yes sometimes the questions are the answers and the answer becomes the questions,roles reverse all the time.
Answers vanish when they possibility of them being the right answer,or the actuality of the situation blurs the answer, i believe every question sounds different to the ears all the time, so the answer that comes from the soul also differs.I may say one thing at a point,and something quiet opposite to the one answer given before some other time.
So may be the questions and answer are dynamic just like me.
You are only staring closely at my face, thus you won't lost your perspective ....but after studying my face, will you gain a new light into your perspective??Maybe on my face, you found a smile that you never seen on anyone, and thus your perspective is changed, but not lost....maybe on my face, you found a pair of eyes that sparkles after it had been stained with tears....what will then be your perspective ??
s.a., there is a question....if i stare closely at your face, will i lose my perspective on myself or on you or both or neither?
at one point, as i stare closely at your face, will i forget that i am seeing your face and see mine instead?
You may give me a new perspective about you!!!
r....if saw me looking at you closely, that would change your perspective about me! i had not thought of that!
l.l., i cannot persuade this computer to post your comment so i am cutting and pasting it:
Lazarus Lupin has left a new comment on your post "if i stare closely at your face, will i lose my pe...":
"face" is an illusion. A construct. A pattern of lights and shadows that the brain has hardwired inside to read as "face"
That is why there are faces in clouds, in stones, and Jesus on a piece of rye bread.
You stare too closely at my face and you might find out I have no face.
That might frighten me. To be so unmasked.
Men make a big deal of their maskulinity after all.
l.l., i would stare closely at your face precisely because i believe you have no face........
Noh face?
your comments often lead me to research what it is you might be talking about. i like that.
noh.....japanese drama with the male actors playing male and female roles......
well, since we hear a lot about how each person has both male and female personality aspects, then i am astounded to find myself saying that to see no face when i look at you might enable me to see the noh drama enacted on your mask. and yes, if i look skyward, i could see you there although of course you have no face...only lights and shadows shining into my eyes as if they were the word....."face".
so, the question evolves to be.....if i stare closely at your face, will i forget how to read?
reading is imposing a pattern, order, upon experience. It works between people who agree upon what that pattern is. If you stared deep enoug, you will go past all the things that form the patterns you know. Think of "i" imagine yourself moving closer to "i" till you can't see it as a whole. Maybe you are just looking at that funny little boot on the bottom. When this happens then you will forget how to read because there will be nothing TO read. You have gone pasts all sign posts and you are on the blank map. It is chaos for the moment. But you will see new things. You'll hold them in your mind through memory. Compare, contrast. You will discover new patterns. Soon from chaos there will be a new order. You'll learn to read again a language of one.
Will you teach it to me?
l.l., i cannot teach it to you, as i believe you know. but i can stand next to you as the patterns dissolve into blankness. and gaze out on the chaos, allowing it, until meaning returns and the journey begins anew.
will you see me standing there? i don't think so. and if you do, you won't see my face, won't have a word for the pattern that is me.
as you say, it is a "language of one" but yet, "one" can mean more than one....perhaps, it can do no other than mean more than "one".
i have been thinking about yesterday's comments. how what i have read about neuropsych and anthropology intertwines with our conversation. that when born, our "wiring" would enable us to speak any language but as we grow, our brain becomes accustomed to the speech we hear and the connections for that become the strongest. (this is a loose paraphrasing).
so, i i look at you, i am bringing what i have learned to see. i believe l.l. was talking about this. our culture gives us a frame of reference so that we don't fall into the abyss of chaos resulting in not recognizing a face.
if we do manage to forget or disconnect with our "framework", then often it bubbles up within us.
to refer back to a prior blog, is it that framework that "follows behind" as we go on ahead?
if i stare at your face; if it becomes like a meditation, am i floating free of the framework, and if so, do i lose my perspective?
is it possible to lose my perspective?
his is a follow-up, to my previous comment.
so, it seems, l.l., that i could teach you a language of many....if as you stand in the chaos, i sing to you in a language you once knew. a language that will help you navigate what once was familiar to you.
however, your question was if i could teach you the language of one....
i can sing my language to you.....the one that came out of the chaos into new patterns, but if you hear it, it could be like a siren's song.....
are you willing to take that risk? especially when ear plugs could take you to a river uninhabited by an ancient siren.....
Fred was told, "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it."
Moses was told not to look into the face of God.
Ethel was told, "Don't look Ethel," but too late she did.
To experience something so sublime as to learn from you would certainly be worthy of any risk.
l., since i am willing to see you without a face, and you are willing to hear the siren's song, let the mutual learning unfold.........or, rather continue.....
it was said of leonard cohen that he looked into the abyss and laughed.....how are you at laughing?
yes I would listen attentively, and laugh where it is I would laugh.
As for the abyss, I have always been a fan of Key 0, and willing to either step into it or into the sun.
once again, i found myself googling something you said. so, i assuming by "key 0" you are referring to the fool in the tarot cards.....or am i confused?
if it is in regard to the tarot and the fool, then.....yes.
as for the sun.....i might be one to step into the moonlight.
although this morning, i noticed the moon sharing the sunlit sky.
It's only right that the fool can't be counted. Or is it that he has no keys in a world of doors.
This fool is certainly wiser for being around you.
l.l., i do like that.....no keys in a world of doors.
i thought of your comment about the sun earlier today. i was standing outside with someone who was doing yard work and in the process of weeding was bitten by something...mosquito, who knows; this is texas after all.
anyway, i was asked to look at it......to acknowledge its visibility.....and so, standing in full sunshine, i looked at the arm and saw no redness. just arm.
then we moved to the shade and started talking about other things.....and there, clearly visible on the arm was a big red spot.
so, i wondered can too much light on a subject make it impossible to see it?
and so it is that i have asked......because i learn from you as well.
sure too much light can blind. But maybe instead of being enlightened you'd be endarkened
it's good to have an alternative......
it was not really blinded by the light.....it was that the light washed out the color......i was surprised....
to stand under a tree, in the shade, enabled the colors to be seen for what they were....
One thing I find interesting here is we are feeling are way to a philosphical understanding along an aethestic/analog axis rather than a straight logical/reason/digital matrix.
we are not making maps.
we are telling stories.
so wonderfully stated.
and by the way, i am enjoying your different voices. i never know which aspect of l.l. will show up.
on a not very lyrical note.....i do like people who remind me of onions......layers and layers.
thank you for bringing your layers and continuously surprising me.
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