Wednesday, September 22, 2010

if i were an airplane ready for takeoff, would i believe that feathers were heavier than metal?


Sally Ang said...

I would rather believe that feathers are indeed heavier ....but why must i believe that it just because i am ready for takeoff and i dun want to believe otherwise ??Or because you know that basically the power inside you will be greater than the materials that make you....thus knowing this you know you can take off regardless what is that, that make you... and you are ready to believe in that .......basically i dun know why airplanes could fly nor how birds fly ....but is just some thots i have in me :)

Lazarus Lupin said...

I don't know what you'd think, but I would hope it would be whatever would get you up in the air.

Myself I like: "Flying is just throwing yourself at the ground...and missing."

Lazarus Lupin
Art and Review

anne artist said...

ll, there is an art to missing, isn't there? and the journeys we would miss if we had not "missed".

i was reading a book (molly fox's birthday by deirdre madden), a gift for the birthday event or maybe for the year ahead, actually. in it, i encountered a sentence that reminded me of our small conversation about trust. in the previous blog. and i got up out of my chair with the intent to write about it to you. and there was your comment on today's question....

here it is: " in the imagination which is so difficult to sustain throught the course of one's whole life."

so, lazarus lupin, what do you think of that?

back to this blog, i wonder about the conversation a bird and an airplane might have, flying in the sky as they do....

anne artist said...


interesting....when i am ready for take off, i will choose the belief that will enable me to do so......

E. Studnicka said...

When birds are ready to fly, do they wish they were on an airplane?

anne artist said...

now, there's a question.....

i wonder if a bird would know what an airplane was. if it didn't look like a bird, would a bird think the plane was actually flying?

but if a bird were to fly on a plane, would it know how to buy a ticket?

Lazarus Lupin said...

some thoughts:

Willy Wonka: "Never doubt what you can never be sure of."

Obi: "Use the force."

To your own quote it seems to bundle well. We need faith for things that are so slight yet so needed as the imagination. If we can sustain the relationship we can be truly rewarded. It's a difficult road though. I would suggest looking at Emperor Norton (historical figure in San Francisco)

To the birds. If a Bird is flying IN a plane would it have to buy a ticket or could it claim the plane is in its way?

Lazarus Lupin

anne artist said...

l.l., i had not heard of emperor norton and so have read a little about him. thank you for introducing him to me, to the blog.

by the way, i did note that e. norton is reputed to have had a dog named, "lazarus".

so what is imagination? is it that which gives life to what we "can never be sure of"?

what is "visionary", "eccentric", "mentally ill"?

if i were a bird, would i understand being enclosed in a machine in order to ride the thermals? when i fly in an airplane, do i remember that i fly on my own, effortlessly, in dreams? and yes, could a bird find a way to fly on an airplane, in its seat complete with a bag of peanuts, without buying a ticket?

i imagine there are more questions within these, readying themselves for takeoff.....

Lazarus Lupin said...

check your mental luggage in the over head bin
there will be peanuts but no popcorn
a show and no tell

imagination is our attempts to confound reality. To throw us to the ground and miss.

Rebecca Monteiro said...

It's a beautiful thinking(:

anne artist said...

so, l.l., to go by your previous image is to fly.....

over my head, out of sight.....out of mind....

Lazarus Lupin said...

anne I used to dream of flying and sometimes the dream was so real that when I could run (long ago) i would imagine my stride getting longer and longer and i lighter and lighter.

anne artist said...

yes, l.l., that is how running felt to me as well. now, i am enjoying the feel of the stroll.......and the art of the pause to look at life close-up....the line of a tree branch, the texture of a flower petal and the ever changing shape of a cloud.

Raji said...

You would believe in your own strength but wonder when you would become as strong as the feathered friends.

anne artist said...

r, i like your point about how it is that what might seem fragile can be quite strong.......

Andrew said...

In any case I'd be chained to the sky.

anne artist said...

r, when i land, then am i chained to the ground?