Wednesday, March 3, 2010

if today were a cloud, what shape would it be?


Elkart51 said...

A question mark.;0)

Monkette said...

Would it be strange that I draw virtually the same picture when I am listening to my son or the preacher at church?

anynone knowbody said...

creation comes from whatever someone saw. but things still happen we don't see. so there is never no absence, just times without imagination. and then clouds are not a shape but rather a gaseous, liquid mixture pouring into a bowl that can't be filled.

and the same goes for people.

anne artist said...

sir, then is to see to imagine?

anynone knowbody said...

to give the blind some respect, I think it's the other way around. To imagine is to see.

Nothing's real, because our realities are all unique interpretations of the same things. It's our imagination creating stories and reasons. And we all see it.

anne artist said...

i like that. to imagine is to see......

an interesting thing happened with me. i walked in a shopping area with a friend from out of town. she was quite focused on christmas and in fact, bought gifts while we were there. i was focused on the happiness of seeing my longtime friend. as we walked by countless christmas decorations including trees, she seemed to see every one and exclaimed over them and only then, did i see them....