Sunday, March 21, 2010

if i sat at your side, would you feel closer to me?


Sara said...

If I told you I do not consider "closer" a person sat next to other, would you get even more closer?

anne artist said...

only if i wanted to be farther away......

Sara said...

Then I would feel you my own freedom

anne artist said...

if i am in my freedom, is there any distance?

Sara said...

Mine is nowhere, you tell me where is yours and I'll tell you if there's any distance

anne artist said...

if your freedom is nowhere is that because freedom is a place reachable only by my mind and heart?

Sara said...

Would you dare to try to reach my freedom with your mind and heart without knowing me?

anne artist said...

could i reach it without knowing you?

Sara said...

If someone reaches another's freedom, is still it being freedom?

anne artist said...

well, that is an interesting question. if two freedoms reach each other, what results?

Sara said...

Let me say, you make me to laugh a lot.

Why would two freedoms want to reach each other?

anne artist said...

and you bring laughter to me as well. thank you.

to feel the freedom of the other without interfering with it.

Sara said...

If that's what my freedom wants, I would dare to reach yours then...without knowing you

anne artist said...

if your freedom knows what it wants and can see my freedom although it does not know me, then does that mean it has different eyes with which to see?

Sara said...

Oh!...I really liked that.

If they say that souls and hearts have different eyes with which to see, why could not freedoms or anything else have a couple of those?

anne artist said...

would that not be amazing?!

am just beginning to see if i can imagine that....

Sara said...

I would enjoy doing that

anne artist said...

i am hoping someone will come up with an image of that......and comment about it here.

Sara said...

What do you look for inside these questions?
Are you waiting for something to happen.....someone to arrive to your life, maybe?
Do you just learn and think about people comment in this blog, or you do have another way to wait for comments without having the intention of learn from them?
Do you look for answers from other people?
What do you exactly hopes from this?

And I have million of questions more........but if I ask everything today, what would I ask tomorrow?

anne artist said...

i am doing this blog as a way of showing up in my own life. i want to post 365 of them. one for each day of the year. and then ask myself if i want to begin a second group of 365. of course, i don't post them every day so 365 will take me more than a year to do. i like that.

i do this whether or not anyone follows or comments. however, it is much more fun when there are followers and i receive comments. it is a way of connecting with people i would not otherwise meet and i am each day deepening my admiration for persons in cultures other than my own in addition to people in my country.

and to reply to the comments gives me the opportunity to be abstract. something i love. replying to the comments becomes a dance. and i learn and discover as well.

sometimes, the questions people ask (such as yours, for example) leave me without words...they are stunning. a gift. and the answers open up more questions.

as for the process, the questions come when i am quiet and not seeking them. i write them down and then a drawing comes. sometimes, the drawing comes first.

i don't have an answer in mind when i ask the question. only the delight in having posted it.

Sara said...

Is this your leak to the immortality?

anne artist said...

maybe it is an opportunity to experience timelessness which is what happens when i am involved with this blog.

by the way, i really like it when people comment on each other's comments. this blog is about all of us.