Wednesday, March 10, 2010

if i learn to count, will i sing in numbers?


Sara said...

Haven't you learned to count yet?
Just kidding...if you want to learn to count, would you choose the singing way to learn or would you just start to count?

anne artist said...

and if i simply recite the numbers, will they also sound like a song?

Sara said...

To recite? Then it will be a non-existent poem

anne artist said...

that i would hum?

Sara said...

Only a crazy person in love with numbers would hum and understand them, wouldn't him?

anne artist said...

is to be in love then to hum.....?

Sara said...

What is what makes a song to be a song? Is to hum what makes a song to be precisely a song?
No, it's to be crazy the same of to be in love.

anne artist said...

if that is crazy then what is not crazy?

Sara said...

To do not believe, to do not dare, to do not try to hum say there is imposible things.
Is not crazy to think there could exist something sane?

anne artist said...

insanity is believing in sanity......

or maybe it's redefining " sanity" and "crazy"?

what do the words mean, after all?

Sara said...

Words are from the air and they go to air then.....

anne artist said...

then to count out loud in words is to glide in the air currents?

Sara said...

Wouldn't it be just another happening in life?
Words, air...the same...nothing

anne artist said...

yes. the same and nothing.

as well as the diversity of numbers and the infinity they represent.

or don't represent.

Sara said...

That they represent...yes.

anne artist said...

what is it that numbers don't represent?

Sara said...

Feelings, thoughts...beatings, maybe?

anne artist said...

numbers can be associated with so many things.....i am reminded that this computer because of zero's and one's enables me to communicate with you.....

Sara said...

Y exactamente encontré lo que buscaba.

Thank you.........thanks numbers

anne artist said...

ah. thank you as well.