Friday, July 4, 2008

if you don't see me move, does that mean i am standing still?


Sara said...

What if I'm a absent-minded person?

anne artist said...

then would forget to see me at all?

Sara said...

Let's say an absent-minded person, just do not notice some kind of things, one of them could be you, moving or staying.

anne artist said...

so if a person is absent in mind, then i become for them, absent of body.....

so, i am not even standing still......for them.

hmmmmmmm.......maybe i'm off playing mind games with them.

Sara said...


I see now, I expressed myself wrong. The term I was looking for was headless.

anne artist said...

if i am headless, then have i lost my mind? and if that is so, then clearly, i would be too absent-minded to find it........

Sara said...

Oh God.........I just can't believe it.

I wouldn't like to lose my head, it would be weird and...horrible. let's focus in the used terms as what I see and what you're really doing...which of thouse could be identied?

And what would happen if I see you moving but you say you're not?

anne artist said...

that is a good question. if you say i am moving and i say i am not. maybe within me, i am feeling a stillness and am replying out of that. yet, i cannot help but move even when i am standing still.

Sara said... just read my mind or something...

anne artist said...

yes.........or something.....

Sara said...

Would you call that "or something" a conection or a seemed thing?

I liked that answer, it also made me smile.

anne artist said...

perhaps i overheard you reading your story to yourself in a whisper..........

Sara said...

So the wind really made my orders real: to send you a messege on him...

I like whispers, they can condemn by giving you images...

anne artist said...

ok, this is weird.........i started to type something to you about the wind but changed it and then you wrote about the wind as if i had not erased the message.....

beautiful what you said about whispers.

Sara said...

Can I even get that "erased" messege?

Beautiful what you make me to say about what I've been saying all this time.

anne artist said...

i simply enjoy listening to you.......

as for the other comment, i only typed a few words and then went on to the one i posted so i did not really complete the image and now have no idea what it just kind of traveled through...........sorry.

Sara said...

Entonces ya somos dos...

anne artist said...

at least dos.......

Sara said...

In an unexpected moment again.

I think it was pretty.

anne artist said...

a moment of unexpectedness........