Thursday, July 3, 2008

if i play with my own life, will it play with me?


Sara said...

Doesn't life always play with one?

How could we make fun of it?

anne artist said...

i would agree that life does play with one. i get into trouble when i forget it is play and take it seriously.

i am not sure how to make fun of life. or if i would want to.

what are your thoughts?

Sara said...

I think it's dangerous to try to make fun of life...isn't she an amazing old lady?

anne artist said...

i agree.

life as an amazing old!!!!!!

Sara said...

You know what?...I'm a person that needs, constant, to know people thoughts or feelings and I try to interprete them by seeing their expressions as long as we talk, and this is the first time you let me know so well a reaction.

anne artist said...

another first......amazing.

Sara said...

I would say I hope that more frequent, but I'm not used to hope nothing from no one or something.

anne artist said...

someone once told me that hope can be a double edged sword. an expression, i am not sure you have....

to go with the flow.......that would be a gift......not to go leading with hopes. hopes can be like the rocks that can turn into rapids. to embrace rather than hope.

not there yet, of course.

Sara said...

You just remembered me how much I hate hopes. They can just distroy you by making you feel so........"alive".

anne artist said...

yet, isn't hope "for" something. which is also to hope something else does not happen?

can't we just embrace life without judging it?

having said that, i do just that all the time.

Sara said...

How could we judge life? Isn't she so perfect that we cannot just handdle her ways of move?

As a said, very famous in here "La vida es bella, el bellaco es uno" is beautiful, the knave is one.

anne artist said...

had not heard that saying. thanks.

how can we judge life? yet, how can we stop judging it?

Sara said...

Hard to remove vices...

anne artist said...

vices tend to be traveling companions as we walk along....

Sara said...

As the wind...we know it's somewhere and we feel it when we forget it.

anne artist said...

like the wind.....sometimes a gentle breeze. sometimes a destructive one.