Wednesday, July 9, 2008

if life is a balancing act, does that mean i'm part of a circus?


Sara said...

Well...if they say that life turns a lot then, would could we say we're on "road"?

anne artist said...

i would feel like it was a road if i encountered intersections, what seemed to be dead ends, hairpin turns and had a lot of fast food restaurants at each exit ramp.

if life turns.........well, in texas, we can turn right when the light is red, if we check to see if no cars are coming. so, would that mean if i am being told to stop, i can keep on going provided i turn in a different direction and look first to see what is coming toward me on that road?

Sara said...


Roads have many ways of being interpreted. I guess, the raises are the difficult ones but I could be wrong. We could get lost in the thick paths and say life turns a lot...

anne artist said...

if one is lost, each turn could be one too many.

Sara said...

If one thinks one can get lost...

anne artist said...

or if one thinks one can ever get un-lost.

Sara said...

Jajaja......I liked that idea. I'll stay with it.