Sunday, December 30, 2012

if there is no way out, is there no way in?


Sally Ang said...

Question is : Where are you ??

anne artist said...

Good question!

In my own world, perhaps.....

Sally Ang said... that a enclosed world you have ???

anne artist said...

enclosed in the sense that i cannot get out of it to become someone else.......

Raji said...

A silk worm builds a cocoon around itself,but it can always break out

anne artist said...

So maybe there is a time to be in a cocoon, growing a new way of being..,and a time to break free. But if someone breaks into the cocoon....,

Raji said...

why would someone do that????Don't let them.

anne artist said...

Curiosity...not recognizing boundaries...

Not recognizing what a cocoon is.

Sally Ang said...

The butterfly dies :(....

anne artist said...

ah, but we need beings who fly....

Sally Ang said...

beautiful ones...:)...but ya, let's also forgive those who breaks into the cocoon ....:)

anne artist said...

I wonder if they know what is necessary before flight can happen…

Sally Ang said...

:(...hard and tedious journey ...but remember ...we are never alone :)

anne artist said...

So does the person breaking into the cocoon not recognize the journey or not believe in flight?

Sally Ang said...

May be both...they don't have the perseverance for the journey, or maybe they are afraid of flights :)

anne artist said...

Yes, it does take perseverance...and fear can be a weapon....