Wednesday, December 26, 2012

if i sculpted a statue of you, would you say it was a poem?


Sally Ang said...

A statue started with the letter "S"...and a poem started with the letter "P" hmmmm...would i say it was a poem??....btw the green line you drawn...what does it mean???

anne artist said...

It is the green grass on which the statue rests.

Sally Ang said...

Is the statue tired ???...haha...maybe then, poem can help to encourage the statue ...hmmmm....grass can also provide rest :)....

anne artist said...

I am wondering...what about the statue would be similar to a poem?

Each has lines...and?

Sally Ang said...

The statue has the green grass lines ....and the poem writes it's own lines the poem is indeed like the statue a way, is unmovingly standing alone :(.....

anne artist said...

Ah, I like that. Each can stand alone.

anne artist said...

Would you rather receive a statue or a poem?

Sally Ang said...

I like both :) i greedy??

anne artist said...

Inclusive, perhaps....

Sally Ang said...

thanks :)...