Sunday, February 26, 2012

if i were a statue of a famous person, would i rather be the biography?


Sally Ang said...

Statue is the solid/physical form...biography is information form...perhaps i like to be both...but i choose not to be a famous person...instead myself :) who wrote my own biography, and create my own statue that represents myself :)

anne artist said...

the art of creating oneself, it seems.....

Sally Ang said...

Perhaps it will be more interesting ...than after a famous person :)

anne artist said...

good point.

i wonder, do we create statues of ouselves? and if so, where do we place them?

and what about the biographies of our lives?

Sally Ang said...

We place our statues at a place where our family of the late will be...the place that belongs to us permanently :)....Biography ...can be written and store in a "time-drive"...passed down to the desired persons ....thus ...ya your life-story would remain even if it mean that the world ended :)

anne artist said...

and what happens when i read my own autobiography.? and the biography others write of me?

Sally Ang said...

You remembered the good and bad times ....and when you read what others wrote about you ....You will see yourself as they see you...Anne, do you prefer to read others wrote about you or you wrote your own story ??

anne artist said...

i prefer the rewrites of my own story.

and you, s.a.?

Sally Ang said...

Huh ?? Rewrites interesting ?? I prefer to read and write my own story ...a ongoing process ...where we won't know what the ending would be like ....but having the holy spirit to guide us each step :)...Jesus in our lives always...:)

anne artist said...

by rewrites, i mean editing. changing the story after it is written.....

Sally Ang said...

Is your story written ?? Well,...I mean, we are still living and we won't be able to see how our life-story is written ...don't we ??...then how can you talk about rewrites ??

anne artist said...

i can and do rewrite my well as my future.