Wednesday, January 4, 2012

if life were an abstract painting, would i see it as realism?


Bleeding Healer said...

I believe reality sometimes breaks into fragments and it's entirety is abstract, it's us who view it and deliver meaning to it, realize the who "real and whole" aspect of reality. Thus life is an abstract art that sometimes makes sense, sometimes don't but to each every person it's understandable for it's whole content that is delivered in bits and pieces.

How have you been Ann?

anne artist said...

i am very happy to hear from you, bh! i hope you are enjoying college...we now live in fhe same country!

is a fragment of reality also a whole?

as you can see, bh, i am still doing this blog, thriving on the conversation that comes of it. also, starting a series of pen and ink drawings.

Raji said...

It would be a visual representation of your psychological reality

Sally Ang said...

Is a nice pic you draw, anne :), in the realism...does being abstract plays a part ?? Being abstract always points us back to asking questions is being reality asking lots and lots of questions ??

anne artist said...

thanks, s.a.!

i like the thought that abstraction leads us to question.

i am wondering...where do what we perceive as answers come from?

Sally Ang said...

Question is answers ....can come in different forms and ways ....a correct answer does have different meanings in different people lives ....maybe is important to know whether does the question deserves to be provided with an answer :)

anne artist said...

or is the question an answer in and of itself............?

anne artist said...

r, is my psychological reality an abstraction to others and maybe even to my own self?