Wednesday, November 16, 2011

if i stand on the edge, will i see below the surface?


Sylvie. said...

Standing on the edge,
I will see the world round,
I will see whatever my eyes can take,
and I won't leave my mind in a corner.

anne artist said...

s, thank you for this!

i will remember not to leave my mind in a corner..........

Sally Ang said...

Maybe i would not like the idea of standing on the edge ....becos if i see below the surface ...what would i see ??

anne artist said...

the edge of a surface?

Sally Ang said...

Perhaps...a face ...i could not recognize ...the edge of the surface ???

anne artist said...

s.a., i do like that image.

perhaps it is the edge of a face of a version of me that has yet to surface................