When you read a book...is your only purpose to know the ending ?? If the one page is the last page of the book, would it make a difference if i ask you to read ??
would you read a book if you know you would not be able to know how it ends? and if you read the last page and did know the ending, would it be meaningful without the beginning? without the steps it went through to get to the end?
If i am the book i would be real sad .....but guess, i treat different books differently ....becos some books i use it for reference so dun need to read from page one to last, some books i read once ....and it stands in my bookshelf all the time, some books i got to return to library, some books i gave it away ...becos i know it will benefit more people if it is passed on ....books are like human ....when you "read" them and understand them ....you will find that how will you treat that "book"...with what kind of attitudes and ways to develop it for it's own good and yours :)
A few ....but guess, books that i had not read, must be books that i had not buy it myself, or books that i bought,read some parts but find that it is not my cup of tea...or maybe is a book i treasure ....and reserve it for a special time to read....you know what, Anne, i feel like going to a long, long vacation to US or places i never been to...and on the journey, carry a good book where i can read, go sight-seeing, take photos,listen to music, and play ...and if there is a companion ...it would be better ....:)...hmmm....but for the time being ....ya, i haven't have that money and time to do that ....
i have books i want to read but from which i might never read even one chapter, yet they remind me of interests i have and are always there for me.
it seems to me that when you comment on a question i have drawn, you are in a way, taveling to the u.s. or even beyond. and so it is that we become traveling companions with one another. thank you for that. it means a great deal to me.
Btw ...Anne, i like your book...is nice ...red binding and blue cover :)....passionate binding and hope as the cover title :)....and the reader wears glasses :)...haha :)
i am a painter who began my career as a child coloring outside the lines of my coloring books. i am a writer who started out by composing adventure stories while riding my stick horse around the backyard. as a child, i got in trouble for asking too many questions...i question that.
"the emperor's new clothes" by hans christian andersen
this fairy tale has been a companion to me as i have traveled through my life.
briefly, it is about an emperor who was deceived by two tailors who said they were making a set of clothing out of a "dream" fabric. in reality, they used no fabric at all. to make their scam complete, they announced that only those who were wise enough would be able to see the beautiful clothing. and so, no one, not even the emperor, admitted to being unable to see it.
wearing his new "clothing", the emperor paraded through his kingdom. no one questioned his appearance; no one wished to appear less than wise.
until a small child asked, "why is the emperor not wearing any clothes?"
so it is that i ask, if i question rather than believe i am wise, what will i see?
When you read a book...is your only purpose to know the ending ?? If the one page is the last page of the book, would it make a difference if i ask you to read ??
would you read a book if you know you would not be able to know how it ends? and if you read the last page and did know the ending, would it be meaningful without the beginning? without the steps it went through to get to the end?
and what if you were the book?
If i am the book i would be real sad .....but guess, i treat different books differently ....becos some books i use it for reference so dun need to read from page one to last, some books i read once ....and it stands in my bookshelf all the time, some books i got to return to library, some books i gave it away ...becos i know it will benefit more people if it is passed on ....books are like human ....when you "read" them and understand them ....you will find that how will you treat that "book"...with what kind of attitudes and ways to develop it for it's own good and yours :)
i like the idea of developing...........
are there books you have but don't read but still enjoy knowing they are there?
A few ....but guess, books that i had not read, must be books that i had not buy it myself, or books that i bought,read some parts but find that it is not my cup of tea...or maybe is a book i treasure ....and reserve it for a special time to read....you know what, Anne, i feel like going to a long, long vacation to US or places i never been to...and on the journey, carry a good book where i can read, go sight-seeing, take photos,listen to music, and play ...and if there is a companion ...it would be better ....:)...hmmm....but for the time being ....ya, i haven't have that money and time to do that ....
yes, a book is a traveling companion...
i have books i want to read but from which i might never read even one chapter, yet they remind me of interests i have and are always there for me.
it seems to me that when you comment on a question i have drawn, you are in a way, taveling to the u.s. or even beyond. and so it is that we become traveling companions with one another. thank you for that. it means a great deal to me.
You may find it difficult to stop with one page, if it's something I wrote :)
and i might write comments in the margins.....
Btw ...Anne, i like your book...is nice ...red binding and blue cover :)....passionate binding and hope as the cover title :)....and the reader wears glasses :)...haha :)
i like this...thanks!
i suggest that could be engaging!!!
would like to hear more, moonlight....
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