Sunday, July 31, 2011

if we sing for our supper, will we hunger for breakfast?


Sally Ang said...

When you sing for our supper, does that means that supper could be our breakfast for the next day ??Since you did not eat supper ...but sing ...haha :)...

anne artist said...

ah, leftovers! some people eat cold pizza for breakfast......i have yet to do that........

am wondering what breakfast could is it different than supper?

Sally Ang said...

Why eat supper going to make you fat :( haha..but with company of friends that maybe different
:(, but i always think is not very healthy to stay late at night to eat supper, ...dun eat cold pizza not good for health and taste ...heat it up before you eat :)...Guess breakfast is important becos over the night resting ...the stomach is empty need to replenish with good food :)

anne artist said...

if we must perform in order to feed ourselves, will we hunger for a time in which all we have to do is wake up?

but if we wake up, we have to leave the dream behind........

Sally Ang said...

Haha...would you satisfield your hunger or do you want to build your dream ?? It all depends on your choices you make ....thus goes to say perhaps ...we need to work things up that it both satisfield our hunger and in the process build our dreams ....and well, it may need scarifice of something that is important to you ...but ultimately is you who should decide what to do ....then again, sometimes i am awake not by hunger, and sometimes i have dreamless nights ....:)

Bleeding Healer said...

If we sing for supper, will we enjoy the melody behind the food. Maybe eat it in a sing, song way, with a rhythm? And if the song finishes at dinner time, will we still remember the beat, still feel the hunger for breakfast?

Have missed you, hope you are doing well!
Much love,

anne artist said...

bh, i miss you as well. aren't you getting ready to come to this country for college?

i like your thought about there being a melody behind everything. and a rhythm, that even if i am no longer hearing the melody, i can feel within myself

anne artist said...

s.a., hungering for a dream..........even if i must sacrifice something for the dream. i can deal with nightmarish days, but nights without dreams.........

so, how do i feed the dream?