Wednesday, July 27, 2011

if a balloon floated in between us, would we forget to look at one another?


Sally Ang said...

Would we then burst the balloon ?? Or would we wait for the balloon to float upwards into sky ...thus able to look at one another ??Why did we forget to look at one another ??Was the balloon the cause ??....

anne artist said...

what does distract us from seeing one another?

would we want to burst the balloon?

Sally Ang said...

Does the floating balloon distract us from seeing one another ....floating balloon means ?? If we burst the balloon does that means that we will remember to look at one another ?? Or there will be other colours of balloon floated in between us again??

anne artist said...

interesting questions, s.a.

the balloon could be anything that comes between us. and often it could be something as unimportant as a balloon. what causes us to look away from another person? what distracts us?

and if we do burst the balloon, as you ask, will we simply look at another one?

maybe we just like seeing our reflections in the balloons.........

Sally Ang said...

May be the reflections we see in the balloons ...are like the balloons (that are blow up) maybe we can ....each hold a balloon and let it loose and letting it float into the sky....and we could enjoy each other :)

anne artist said...

so, s.a, if we no longer hold onto that which separates us (balloons), then they can fly and become things of beauty.........and perhaps reflect that back to us.

Sally Ang said...

Perhaps...we can fly and float with the balloons ...without caring much ... but knowing that our presence will be with each other :)

anne artist said...

i like this...........being with the balloons in their own space and without expectations. letting balloons be balloons, realizing we can still float together with them present.