Sunday, February 20, 2011

if i don't know what to do next, will i know what i am doing now?


Miranda said...

probably not because it you don't know what you'll do next, you'd just continue doing what you were doing.

RW said...

Why, what did you do before?

Bleeding Healer said...

I guess you will know what you are doing right now, you are figuring out what to do next..
so if you know what to do now, by figuring out what to do next..what would you do next?
I love the colorful pictures..will be commenting on other posts soon..=)

anne artist said...

so, m, if i am doing what i was already doing but having no idea what this is, i might not have the ability to change?

if i don't notice what i am doing, then am i doing anything?

anne artist said...

rw, if i remember what i did before, will i be a thing of the past?

anne artist said...

bh, so figuring out my future path will help me recognize where i am now? so living in the future will enable me to show up in my present?

Miranda said...

@ anne yes you won't be able to change. also, if you DO know what you are doing but don't know what's next, you will continue as you have been until you figure out what's to come.

Hmm, you could still be doing something, but not conscience of it. If it's a good thing, then you have good instincts. If it's a bad thing, then you are not self aware enough.

Sally Ang said...

Maybe when you know what you are doing now, you will know what to do next ....maybe in living in the present will help you to show up in the future ....when you are doing something...and you are never noticing what you are doing, what does the something means to you??

bojud said...

I hope so

anne artist said...

so if i focus so much on my future that i do not notice my present, then the future me can also become the present me i am not aware of....

i cannot take into the future that which i am not aware of..........or can i?

Sally Ang said...

How do you have a future you if there is a not present you to learn and enjoy the moments of now ....where will be the hopes and aspirations to keep you moving into the future if your present (you tend to not to notice)does not offer the excitement of the future ....future is for us to build up with love :)...