Sunday, November 21, 2010

if i ask if life is like an equation, would you tell me that i only need to add and subtract?


Nefes said...

Make your life easier - use only multiply.

Mark said...

Thank you for all your great posts. Your blog has helped me to find greater awareness and accept life love and laugh a little bit more. You help me thanks!

anne artist said...

and mark, it helps me to read your words. thanks......

anynone knowbody said...

if life is like an equation, should we expect an answer? regardless of the calculus we undertake:

life = death

anne artist said...

or should we expect any answer other than life=death?

Yina said...

only adding and subtracting will limit you from the rest of the world who also multiply, divide, and all that fancy stuff.

but it's true...what we needed to know was learned in kindergarten

anne artist said...

nana.....i like your comment. it brings me to think that in kindergarten, i did not open the pandora's box of "="....

Bleeding Healer said...

if you say life is like an equation I would ask you would you always try to find 'x' and "y", or will you simply enjoy doing the math with me without being anxious to get the end result.
Would you say no if I say I wish to use divisions and roots in your equation? Or would you think it to be interesting to see equation of life in a new light?

anne artist said...

bh, your comment leads me to wonder if an equation is a language that expresses relationship, then is life an equation?

if i subtract (take away), i am left with something new. if i add, i acknowledge a total number and not necessarily the relationship between what has been added. to divide is to separate and the root, well that is something else again.

to solve an equation....does that involve movement, process and the belief that balance can be found?

Sally Ang said...

Basically, we learn equations step by step we do add and subtract ...and later we muiltply joy and divide the burdens ....then at a higher level, differications and intergeration came in ....equations get more and more complicated ....thus yes movement, process and belief came in to work out things in life....:)

anne artist said...

s.a., so good to hear from you. your comments always add a dimension to this blog.

i especially like what you said about step by step. it is easy to forget that we don't go from a to z but must travel step by step through the alphabet soup known as life.

Bleeding Healer said...

I would say life is an equation with so many addition, subtraction, divisions...
are we searching for balance in life?is balance equivalent to peace, since peace in life, leads due to balance? and if we don't care about balance...can we simply enjoy solving the equation?
One more thing..would we use calculators to solve the equation?what would the calculator be then?

anne artist said...

bh, i would say that this is huge:

"can we simply enjoy solving the equation? "

and it seems that we do use calculators to solve the equation.....where does that take us? and yes, what does the calculator represent? i am glad you brought that up!

Sally Ang said...

Caculator is the mind and spirit of ours ....which try to balance and find the answers to equations ....caculator may also turn to weighing scales ....that weigh the movations and hearts of our being .....Anne, is good to be back, my dad passed away last week , so was rather busy with the funeral....he is a taoist , and had a traditional chinese one :)

anne artist said...

s.a., i like your image of the calculator.

i will be thinking of you....the loss of one's father does change the context of one's life......