If love is to give and recive feelings and support and if love is "I love you, I hate you, I love you"...wouldn't be the lovers strangers to one another at the same time they know as well each other?
How can I be sure if you understand what I mean if I know I do not know use another lenguage but mine own, knowing that even when I use mine almost anyone can understand me, knowing you do not know me and knowing I would like to know you........?
i am a painter who began my career as a child coloring outside the lines of my coloring books. i am a writer who started out by composing adventure stories while riding my stick horse around the backyard. as a child, i got in trouble for asking too many questions...i question that.
"the emperor's new clothes" by hans christian andersen
this fairy tale has been a companion to me as i have traveled through my life.
briefly, it is about an emperor who was deceived by two tailors who said they were making a set of clothing out of a "dream" fabric. in reality, they used no fabric at all. to make their scam complete, they announced that only those who were wise enough would be able to see the beautiful clothing. and so, no one, not even the emperor, admitted to being unable to see it.
wearing his new "clothing", the emperor paraded through his kingdom. no one questioned his appearance; no one wished to appear less than wise.
until a small child asked, "why is the emperor not wearing any clothes?"
so it is that i ask, if i question rather than believe i am wise, what will i see?
If love is to give and recive feelings and support and if love is "I love you, I hate you, I love you"...wouldn't be the lovers strangers to one another at the same time they know as well each other?
then love is both? and how to love in the midst of that?
so what is known is also unknown and the unknown contains within it the known.......so is love a circle connecting?
In love there is both; love makes lovers to be unknown but known to one another.
Is not vicious circle a synonymous of love?
is love not both a circle and a broken line?
Why would it be broken?
is love a smooth line?
are there moments when the line is broken and the mending then speaks of love in ways an unbroken line might not?
would a broken line give the space to be without love and therefore give meaning to it?
What does have meaning without love?
Is not love what gives the meaning?
Then what is love after all...?
so perhaps the broken space is when one is unaware of love. are there times when there is no meaning? i wonder about that.
Wouldn't those times be the moments when anything have sense instead when there is no meaning?
i do know if for me, there is such a thing as no meaning.
i like the concept that loves enables meaning to flourish everywhere, if that is what you were saying.
How can I be sure if you understand what I mean if I know I do not know use another lenguage but mine own, knowing that even when I use mine almost anyone can understand me, knowing you do not know me and knowing I would like to know you........?
a question can be a circle.......
Can it be a triangle?
Mmm......I would like that
all shapes and non at all, perhaps?
Like everything...?
a question is like everything.....i like that.....where does that lead? interesting.....
Nowhere...like always, perhaps?
we seem to come back to nowhere. and perhaps that is somewhere....
Well...if freedom exists and it has to be somewhere and my freedom is nowhere...then yes
perhaps freedom exists in the space in which nowhere and somewhere intersect.
Intersected......could not used a perfecter word.
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