Thursday, October 2, 2008

if i climb to the top of a mountain range in order to see the view, will i also see the blade of grass growing in the field below?


red crow said...

the grass does not ask to be blown by the wind
the wind does not intend to bring change
the view remains the same

anne artist said...

if the grass receives without asking
the wind creates without intending
what is the view in all its sameness?

red crow said...

warm honey toast
in the hand,
then the mouth
of a
loving child
who does not ask
and does not care
where it came from
but they love you
just the same

anne artist said...

if i climb to the top of a mountain range and look at a snowflake on my glove, is that the view?

is the memory of having seen the child take the warm toast the view, too?

to reach the top of the mountain range, must i be a climber?

red crow said...

no, you need only fall back into your own being,where all the snowflake memories gather for tea

anne artist said...

then what is the top of the mountain range?

red crow said...

the dark side of the moon

anne artist said...

that illusion thing......the dark side of the moon which i am you were saying. i guess i will sit at the base of the mountain and have a picnic of warm toast and count the spots floating before my eyes.

red crow said...

I'll bring the honey..oh duh
you haven't invited me.
There I go putting my foot in my mouth again.

anne artist said...

i though you might already be here but then, it is hard to see with all these spots in front of my eyes.

red crow said...

Oh...there you are.....I see were right here all along.....darn spots