Monday, September 15, 2008

if my head is in the sand, will i miss the sunrise?


Sara said...

I would rather worry about how to breath under sand and the feeling that comes with it...

anne artist said...

So would you miss the sunset as well?

Sara said...

I'm not even sure if I would missed the's supposed that sunbeam and sunhot start rise from underground.
Now...I would noticed when sunset begins, but is that the same as not missing it?

anne artist said...

ah, so the sunrise can be felt. although the sky gives information about the sun's rise, the heat rising from the sand can speak of the entrance into morning as well.

so if my head is in the sand, will i know that i can see without opening my eyes?

Sara said...

You would know as soon as you feel it.

anne artist said...

so feeling comes before seeing?

Sara said...

I guess them, both, come at the same time.

anne artist said...

then would i feel that i could see the sunrise before i saw that i could feel it?

Sara said...

Does the art of feeling have an after and a before?
Does it really have a single moment?

I could say I saw the sunrise because I felt it, coudn't I?

anne artist said...

i would imagine that you could see the sunrise by feeling it.

interesting questions. what do you think?

i wonder if we think there would be an after and a before, yet, there is only that which we call "now".

however, is "now" actually now?

Sara said...

Pero, ¿quĂ© lo es todo?

I mean, what exactly could everything" be?
Is not the future also a "now"?

And anyway...what do we know?

anne artist said...

is everything nothing?

Sara said...

As nothing can be everything...el famoso viceversa.

anne artist said...

and yet we search for more.........