Monday, September 8, 2008

if i were a candle, how would i feel about the match?


Sara said...

What if they have a conection?

anne artist said...

And from that moment of connection comes the spark...that changes both the candle and the how would each feel about that spark?

Sara said...

The end of that connection even though it have just started?

I have an adventure would be amazing if both, candle and match, are consious that they will start and end the spark so easly and many times.

anne artist said...

I really do love that!

Would that i were the candle or the match....

Sara said...

Mmm...two important parts, two with potencial and two with the only way to make the spark come true.
Would they be a better e.g than water and fire of what soul mates mean?

anne artist said...

interesting question. with water and can nullify the other. with fire and a match, one enables the other.

can either one be a version of soul mate?

Sara said...

What if they are just physics and if life is just physics; it would be, at least, a way out to get into more closed doors...

anne artist said...

if life is physics then i can be in more than one place at once.........i do like that....

Sara said...

The gift of laughing is amazing.

I like physics, I like your idea and do believe we can be in two places at once.
Mind is everything we really need.

anne artist said...

if all we need is mind, then what happens with laughing?

can i laugh with my mind?

Sara said...

With it.....I don't know, but in it....well.....

anne artist said...

if i climb inside my mind do i discover that i am dreaming?

Sara said...

Or mad, maybe......

anne artist said...

if i climbed inside my mind, how would i get out?

Sara said...

Oh, oh, my...hmm...delicious.
What can I say at this point??

The only thing that comes to me is: would we want to get out from there?...Wouldn't it be too late?

anne artist said...

too late?

or maybe too early?

Sara said...

Jajaja.....a wily question, a hard answer.

I wonder if there would be any perception of time.....

anne artist said...

if there were no perception of time if you climbed inside your head, would you want to stay or to get out?

Sara said...

Doesn't the absence of time one of the things which drives us mad?
If so, I'd rather to stay...

anne artist said...

it appears we can neither live nor die without Time.

Sara said...

Concreto y simple, como no lo es el tiempo.

anne artist said...

because we are not in time just the illusion of time?

Sara said...

Why can something be an illusion and exist?

anne artist said...

what is "exist"?

according to quantum physics, if i understand it, particles of this computer are in me and vice versa. is the image i have of the computer as separate and distinct from me reality or an illusion?

is reality a language that we agree upon and are socialized into speaking?

Sara said...

So everything, as in reality, agree with the universal way of catalogue the things and thoughts...harder the thoughts but it gets it at the end.

anne artist said...

reality as a catalog...........i like it........