Sunday, July 7, 2013

If I were a one sided coin, what would my value be?


Sally Ang said...

Can you find a one-sided coin easily ???...if is not common ...does it mean it's value is high...or it does not have value anymore ...becos is not useable ???

anne artist said...

Very interesting questions!

What is the value of being unusual?

Of not being useful?.

Sally Ang said...

Is there a value of being unusual ??? If being not useful means there is no value ...does that mean...a piece of art ...will be of no value ...guess the value of a one-sided coin, lies in the heart of the beholder :)...Just like a little plastic jewel blacelets that my niece make for me costs more than 50 pieces of diamonds from the most expensive shop ....:)

anne artist said...

I like this!

So does anything have a value if there is no beholder?

Sally Ang said...

It will eventually be picked up by the garbage man, and disposed away ...burnt as ashes you think then, eventually everything do go back to become ashes does any value still holds in anything ???...even to a coin ???

anne artist said...

Value "holds" you say....

To be of value, does it need to be beheld?

Otherwise, it become free as the wind...until we notice tree limbs dancing in the wind...behold them...and value begins again.....

Raji said...

why one-sided?

anne artist said...

I suppose because i am curious about something i have never seen and will never see...a one sided coin....hmmm,