Thursday, June 20, 2013

If I were the wind, would I rather be a mountain?


Sally Ang said...

If i were the wind, then maybe i would like to be the grass on the mountain top :)....How about you, Anne ??....

anne artist said...

Mountains are ancient, having seen the earth in all her ephocs. But they rarely takes an earthquake. And then it can be destructive.

The wind can be gentle or destructive, too.

Is there a way to seem nearly timeless and not be destructive at times?

Sally Ang said...

A little grass on the mountain top can feel the wind ....and be able to get a glimpse of the earth in all her ephocs you think that being a little grass, is a way to seem nearly timeless and not be destructive at times....perhaps ....being small and being not noticeable a good thing, right ??

anne artist said...

Ahh, but the wind and the mountain both would know it is there.

And if rain did not come and the blade of grass went into hibernation, might the mountain and wind remember it?

I am wondering if memory contributes to timelessness.