Sunday, April 7, 2013

If i were a bowl, would i rather be the cereal in it?


Sally Ang said...

Cereal contains nutrients ...bowl contains cereal .....bowl is solid, while cerceal will soften after soaking in milk ....:)...i choose to be the bowl :)...what about you, Anne ???

anne artist said...

to be a container that is more permanent or the nutrients that will be used empty container or used up nutrients.......what is the difference?

Sally Ang said... it incorrect to be a container then ???..but container is used in a way ..that is empty and filled for the purposes it is make for right ???....

anne artist said...

I'm not sure there is a right or wrong.

I like it that you've found a common thread...both are useful. The cereal isn't useful until it's eaten. The bowl isn't until it's filled until it is considered to be decorative.

As you said, both have purposes.

So, i wonder why the bowl might want to be the cereal....

Sally Ang said...

It wants to be melt in the milk ...hahaha :)...

anne artist said...

To disappear into something else....

Whole milk or skim?