Wednesday, February 27, 2013

if i were a drawing, would i rather be words?


Sally Ang said...

Would you like to draw to understand ??? Or would you rather be read ???.....What is the difference between drawing and writing ???

anne artist said...

well, they are both marks upon the page....

i can draw abstractly. what would abstract writing be like, i wonder?

although these questions are abstract....

Kehau.Inks said...

love this one!

anne artist said...


Sally Ang said...

Btw, in your drawing ...if the sunrise is not written....then it may be sunset :)....Guess, every abstract...lies a possiblity to be understood ....hmmmm...Anne, do you agree ???

anne artist said...

and within "sunset" is "sun".....

abstraction rules!

or does it?

Sally Ang said...

haha....abstraction rules :)....question is it necessary to be ruling or even understood ???

anne artist said...

s.a., i love your question! it necessary do be know what i mean....?