Sunday, November 25, 2012

if i were a solid line, would i rather be the outline of a shape?


Sally Ang said...

Guess being a solid line, can be the outline of a shape too. Anne, what kind of shape you would like to be ??

anne artist said...

if i were the outline of that shape, i would be defined by that shape. i am not sure i would want that....

would you?

Sally Ang said...

You bring out a very good point for thinking ....hmmmm....i had a shape in mind when i ask you that question :), anyway i had another question, why are you not sure of being defined by a shape ???

anne artist said...

what shape were you thinking of?

if i thought of myself as a shape, that would limit how i saw myself. and i might be disappointed if others did not see me as that shape.

Sally Ang said... you cared how others would see you...and being limit by the shape....i will not care how others see me...except those that i care about, because those who are not related to me,nor my good friends, would have their own support groups, if the shape limit how you see yourself ....then, was it because you feel uncomfortable in that shape....the shape i had been thinking a star ....:)

anne artist said...

i might wish to be one shape today and another shape tomorrow......

if others do not see me as the shape i am, then what happens with our communication?

well, if you were a star, then i would wish you beautiful travels through the universe of your choice.

Sally Ang said...

The star's daydream starts ....with the travelling through the universe of the star's choice...haha...but ..this star is not a clever star ...having not even completed university daydreaming time ;)....

anne artist said...

to daydream is to create....universes not seen by man...only stars....