Wednesday, October 3, 2012

if i were a sand dune, would i rather be a sandcastle?


Sally Ang said...

Sandcastle...created by a happy family :)

anne artist said...

i like it!

and if the tide washed it away?

Sally Ang said...

The happy family rebuild it :)...

anne artist said...

do they change the design or make it the same when they rebuild?

Sally Ang said...

Is the sand quality still the same ??
Are they using the same methods to build ??...Or there are added sandcastle building toys to help ?? If the tide came again, do they want to build one that would last ...or do they want the fun to rebuild it up again??

anne artist said... is a series of questions.....

so much information to gather, so little sand....

Sally Ang said...

Information and sand got link ??

anne artist said...

information gathered in answering your questions......sand quality, building toys, tide, etc.......