Wednesday, July 18, 2012

if i were the last page of a book, would i rather be the first note of a symphony?


Sylvie. said...

The last page of a book sounds like the first note of a story you've never heard before...

anne artist said...

ahh, a symphony being a story told without words. and a book as a symphony without musical notes....

Sylvie. said...

Your blog is your song and you like that anybody puts a note on it, don't you? That makes some kind of music.

anne artist said...

very beautiful. thank you....

Sally Ang said...

Do you admire the perseverance of the author who wrote the last page, or do you prefer that of the creativity of the music writer to gather up and be able to start a symphony with it's first note ??? :)

anne artist said...

a very interesting question, s.a......

to put a mark on a clean sheet of paper can take courage, a leap into the unknown. a belief in what has not yet come into being.

but to fill the blank pages with words...well, i wonder....has each page of the book started out as a blank page? and at the end of the book, is the author leaping into another unknown...wondering, does the story hold together?