Sunday, May 13, 2012

if i were an echo, would i rather be silence?


Sally Ang said...

I rather be silence .....i want the voice of my own, and not just only an echo ....

anne artist said...

so what once was your voice changes when it echoes back to you...and does it no longer sound like you?

if i repeat this question....would i become an echo?

Sally Ang said...

Why is there a need to have an echo ??....yes, when a voice changes and it echoes back to does no longer sound like you ....

anne artist said...

i am wondering about what an echo is...

if i think about something i just typed or just said, is that an echo? if i think about a situation that has happened, is that an echo?

Sally Ang said...

An a reflective sound ...perhaps it depends on how your mind process that piece of information ...thus it becomes an echo ....having echo wasn't a bad thing....but,yes i prefer my orginal voice ...a voice of my own, without any reflective effects from any surface :)

anne artist said...

could an echo show you anything new about your own voice?