Sunday, April 29, 2012

if in summer, snow falls, will i spring into winter?


Sally Ang said...

Would you dislike the cold in winter ??

Raji said...

will you spring or be forced into it?

anne artist said...

i suppose it would be more natural to "fall" into winter....

i would dislike the cold only if there were no warmth...

Sally Ang said...

So it means that you will you miss the summer warmth ....thus spring into winter may not happen....thus fall into winter ...comes in more naturally :)

anne artist said...

ahh, but i might miss the gentle warmth of spring...:)

is "natural" always constant or does it change from day to day?

Sally Ang said...

it will depends on the heat :)...the warmth :)...

anne artist said...

and the fall....