Sunday, December 4, 2011

if i showed you my guitar, would you lose interest in my self portrait?


Raji said...

momentarily...may be, depends on how good your guitar is!!

Sally Ang said...

Unless you played your guitar ...then perhaps i would lose interest in your portrait....If i showed my showed my self portrait, would you lose interest in my craft ??

anne artist said...

could my self portrait become a guitar?

s.a., if you showed me your self portrait, i might lose interest in the way you painted it but is there more to a a self portrait?

Sally Ang said...

The self-portrait ...may include the guitar ....and it may become the craft that would perhaps make you more interested of my self portrait :)

anne artist said...

so then, the line itself might draw me to you.....

Sally Ang said...

What is the line about then??

anne artist said...

a map?

Sally Ang said...

Map...hmmm...does that means that in studying my self portrait leads you to where the end of rainbow is ??

anne artist said...

of the beginning?

Sally Ang said...

of the pot of gold ??

anne artist said...

what would you find at the beginning of the rainbow?

anne artist said...

or maybe an empty bucket?