Wednesday, January 27, 2010

if i were a bowl, would i wish for a stand to keep me from turning over?


Anonymous said...

My answer isn't deep or philisophical because I simply do not have the vocabulary for it (it sounds so much better in my head), but no I would not wish for a stand to keep me from turning over because I wouldn't be conscious of it.

But if I was a conscious being who happened to be a bowl, I dont know...this is a good subject for meditation. Perhaps I would wish for a stand because of the stability it offers me. Or perhaps I would wish to turn over because I dont want people to use me anymore. Maybe I would even want to break, and just get it all over with.

What do I think I would want as a bowl? I think I would want a stand because I will feel valuable. Its nice to feel valuable.

anne artist said...

so if i am a valuable bowl, i could be protected by a stand. i wonder how my value would be established. and by whom, since i would not be able to do it. and would i come to believe in that value?

yet, if i have no stand, i have freedom.

an interesting common. thanks.....

Unknown said...

Depends... what would i have inside & i may see more of the world by being turned over than if i were on a stand.

anne artist said...

what would i see if i were turned over? would i discover a new way of looking?

and if what was inside spilled out, what would that mean to me?